Video Storybook Manual By: Richard C. Degler April 3, 2008 I finished disassembling the Astrocade unreleased cartridge "Video Storybook" as far as I'm going to take it. There are still a lot of Variables and Routines that are left unidentified, but someone filled up an entire 8K ROM with some pretty twisted code, leaving only 132 bytes at the end. Here's what's inside: Sorry, no dancing monkeys (and those crawling things are turtles?) but some other pictures and a few primitive drawing tools. Starting from the upper left key and assuming the standard keypad - unless someone wants to make an overlay for this: 'C' does a Soft Reset, but since the "Reset" button is disabled this doesn't do much. Note: these Drawing routines all start and end with a press of the trigger ... 'Up' Arrow starts drawing a Dotted Trace, or just a Point if NOT in Multi-color mode. 'Down' Arrow starts drawing a Rubberband Line from trigger-press to trigger- press. '%' (Letter 'O' in MESS) does a poorly-coded Paint Bomb Fill (might crash the game!) 'mR' ('R' in MESS) draws a Hollow Circle from center then use Cursor up/down for size. 'mS' ('S' in MESS) draws a Filled Circle (see Multi-Color modes for colors available). 'cH' ('H' in MESS) draws a Hollow Rectangle from corner to corner (hard to see it!) '/' (Keypad - check your Num Lock) draws a Filled Rectangle (see Multi-Color modes). Here are the Multi-Color Modes which affect the Drawing modes, such as they are ... '7', '8', '9', and '*' are basically the same three foreground colors cycled through. '4' the default setting - Solid Red (the other two colors are NOT usable as solids?) '5' and '6' MORE multi-color modes, this time with Background color stripes mixed in. Screen Flashing Modes *** EPILEPTIC WARNING * SEIZURE ALERT *** You've been warned ... '-' (the one on the Keypad in MESS) Resets Colors to Red, Blue and Gold (or Yellow.) '1' Stops the screen flashing at whatever color combination is currently displayed. '2' Color Ramping cycles through the color wheel without changing the intensity. '3' Intensity Cycling from dark to light (none of these affect the background color). No provision was made to Select your own color preferences. And next to them ... '+' (Keypad '+' in MESS) does a Hard Reset, and CLEARs the Screen like a Power ON Drawing MAGIC Modes (also has support for FLOP as well as FLIP! but not hooked in) ... 'cE' ('E' in MESS) to PLOP write absolute, '0' to OR write, and '.' to XOR write. Finally, call these WORD Shifts initiated by the '=' key (Keypad 'Enter' in MESS) ... '=,C' for Fan Lines radiating to the Left of where the cursor was when trigger pulled. '=,Up' for Fan Lines to the Right (?), '=,Down' for Up, and '=,%' ('=,O') for Down. Here are the Animated PICTURES (You have to make up your own story about these) ... '=,mR' to Draw 2 Birds, a Tree, 2 Deer and a Turtle (use Trigger to pick one up) '=,mS' to Draw 2 Houses and a Garden (watch the flowers bloom then wither away!) '=,cH' to Draw a Cottage, 2 Trees and 2 Kangaroos (make them 'Roos hop in place!!) '=,/' to Draw a Fire Station and a Fire Truck (or they came to put out the chimney!!) plus '=,7' to Draw a Cottage, '=,8' to Draw 7 Turtles, and '=,9' to Draw a Kangaroo. These Pictures can be moved around by pulling the trigger, which causes the bottom of the screen to change from the background color. Once that happens, the cursor will pick up the first picture it comes into contact with. It will place it where it is when the trigger is pulled again, at which time the cursor appears where it was last. Should have been mentioned up top - Defaults to using Knob 1 and Knob 3 to move ... '=,*' to use Knobs to move Cursor (Hey, who has a SPECTRE handle to try this out?) '=,4', '=,5', and '=,6' affect the Knob control somehow, but no difference is seen?? and Lastly, what's been called Keyword "GOTO " using Word Shift on a BASIC overlay ... '=,-' Use THIS every time to transfer Cursor control to the Player ONE Joystick!!1! END OF DOCUMENT