ZGRASS Help Document -------------------- March 20, 2009 Adam Trionfo I think that this document was originally a dump to the printer by someone typing HELP for each of the commands. I've broken the forty-three page ZGRASS Help into six major sections. The document is a little difficult to read since not all of the commands are in alphabetical order and there are error messages throughout the text (some quite amusing, so read them if you get the chance). I bookmarked the PDF document so that it is easier to read. I highly recommend that you use these bookmarks, as they will make reading the document much more pleasant. Here is what the document is made up of, including a listing of each of the 92 commands: 1) Device Conventions in GRASS2 2) Writing Macros in GRASS 3) Creating Pictures in GRASS 4) Arithmetic Programming (Fortran-Style Syntax) 5) Commands Array Backup Blank Blend Bump Call Cutoff Clear Close Clip Compile Copy Crunch Core Dashes Delete Delio Dircore Dirtape Do Doloop Execute Edit Exit Fix Fsoff Fson Getdsk Gethit Getlib Getpotn Goto Group Help If Input Keep Length Lines List Login Look Lpname Mdirc Modify Move Onerror Oneno Pathmov Penoff persp Points Popvar Print Prompt Pushvar Putlib Putpoi Puttext Rename Reset Resolve Resume Restart Return Rotate Scale Search Setbrk Setcq Setdela Setint Setorg Shade Skip Smooth Softext Softrot Trace Text Tick Tree Type Unfilm Unloop Vip Waitfor Wait Window Xlist Zappoi Zaptext 6) Error Messages Enjoy the document! Adam