"Resequencing" By Ron Schweitzer ARCADIAN 1 no. 11 (October 31, 1979): 85,90-91. (Program Listing and Docs) ARCADIAN 2 no. 2 (December 22, 1979): 11. (Bug Fix) The bug fix for this program is included. From the "Arcadian" newsletter: "Resequencing" program by Ron Schweitzer is really a renumbering scheme to be used when you finish up a program and want to have a nice sequence of lines that are a constant interval apart (like 5, 10, 15, 20, etc). Dick Houser has gone over the program and written some comments about it. "Resequencing" Program by Ron Schweitzer This program will renumber a Bally BASIC program and print the renumbered program on tape. It will fix GOTO and GOSUB as long as they are not computed, i.e. GOSUB C, where the C will not be changed. However a GOSUB 120+C will be changed if there is a line number 120. It is slow, but still faster than editing. This program is 473 bytes long as written here but can be shortened to ... 426 bytes by deleting Line 20000 377 bytes by above and deleting Line 20050 366 bytes by above and changing Line 20040 to INPUT".FL#"0,".SP"G;:PRINT 349 bytes by above and changing Line 20080 to NEXT A;PRINT ":RETURN";STOP This program requires a "@(X)" for every line in storage. The resequence program is renumbered along with the object program. Spacing between the two programs can be accomplished by adding some dummy lines after the object program. Notes on Ron's program, by R.M. HOUSER First key in the program of the byte length that you want. Then dump this on a cassette and plan on saving it. Now RESET the BALLY, and load the object program into memory from its tape. When finished, load the "resequence" program after it. This can only be done if there is enough memory space and you do not have a conflict in line numbers. Now add Line 1 GOTO 20000 (GOTO 20010 if 20000 has been deleted per above) Now push WORDS RUN GO and the CRT will show 'RUN'. After a short wait . . . The computer will ask for 'START NO'. Put in 0, this will automatically set 'FL#' and get rid of GOTO 20000 (or 20010) later on, and make the first line be 0+Spacing. At this time start the tape recorder with a new tape to load the renumbered program on. The computer will now ask for 'SPACING' and enter the line interval you wish . . . '.SP' You will now see the object program be renumbered on the CRT. When you see that the renumbering has reached the resequence program (20000 or 20010), stop the tape recorder to save having to delete these lines later. NOTE: The program stored in the Bally memory is still the old line numbered program, the renumbered program is on the tape. If you now RESET the Bally and load the tape, you will see some garbage at the beginning that will drop out later when the program is run. List the program and delete any lines of the resequence program. Load the program on a clean tape. If you have a long program, you will probably have to break it into two, and some of the GOTO and GOSUB may have to be edited by hand. Thanks for this program, Ron. Archive Notes: There are two "Resequencing" programs in the archive. One labeled "High Address and the other labeled "Low Address." Paul Thacker says, "The way I understand it, the only difference is that one has low line numbers, and the other high line numbers. So you could use the low address version if you wanted to resequence high line numbers. The tape submission had both versions on it."