These instructions are originally from Ozyr's Astrocade Instruction Site - Thanks for letting me post them here!



Two exciting and challenging games! Brickyard! Score points by breaking through the wall of bricks. Eliminate the last brick for a big bonus. Two players can even play at different skill levels. Clowns! Get the highest score on the laugh meter as your clown catapults off the teeter-totter to break through the balloons. Up to 4 players.



Programmed by Bob Ogdon
Audio by Scot Norris


1. Turn on your Bally Professional Arcade and TV set, then select channel 3 or 4.

2. Connect the hand controls by inserting control #1 into the first jack on the back left side (as you face the front of the Arcade). From left to right, the jacks connect to players 1, 2, 4 and 3.

3. Insert the game cartridge, label side up, into the cartridge slot. Press it down firmly to lock it into position.

3. Press the RESET button, and the menu of games will be displayed.

BRICKYARD (1 to 4 players)

Break through the colorful wall of bricks and score! Quickly, position your paddle under the ball again and bounce it back up into the layers of bricks.

As the ball hits the paddle, it moves faster and faster. When you knock out the last brick, you get a big bonus, a victory tune and a new set of bricks!

With this exciting action game, you can choose a variety of skill levels, game lengths and scoring options. You can even choose different skill levels for each player.


Choose Brickyard by pressing 1 on the keypad or by using remote game selection (pull the trigger on hand control #1, turn the knob until 1 appears on the screen, then pull the trigger again).

Select the level of difficulty.

1.  Professional   small paddle, fast ball
2. Advanced small paddle, slow ball
3. Intermediate large paddle, fast ball
4. Beginner large paddle, slow ball
5. Custom select different levels of
difficulty for each player.

If you select a level from 1 to 4, enter the number of players (1-4) and continue.

If you select level 5, Custom, enter the number of players (2-4), then choose the level of difficulty for each player.

Enter the number of balls which each player will use (1-99). If you enter a number that is less than 9, press the = sign to start the game.


The hand control functions for Brickyard are:

Trigger Releases the ball into the playing area.
Knob Moves the paddle right or left.
Joystick   Has no function.

The object of the game is to knock out as many bricks as possible by bouncing the ball upward off the paddle into the various levels of colored bricks. Although the ball moves slowly at first, the speed increases as the playing continues.

After the ball hits a brick, it rebounds back to the paddle with varying speeds and angles. And, like a "real" paddle, hitting the ball on the corner results in steeper angles and faster action.

At the top of the screen is a box containing each player's number and score. The small box in the center contains the number of balls remaining. Players take turns moving the paddle and knocking out as many bricks as possible. The current player's turn is indicated by the dark colored box which surrounds his number. When he misses the ball, the next player's number is highlighted.


When the ball hits a particular brick, the point value for that brick is awarded to the current player. The colored bricks have different point values:

Green bricks  
3 points
Blue bricks
5 points
Red bricks
5 points

In addition, 50 extra points are awarded to the player who knocks out the last brick on the screen. The bricks are instantly re-drawn, and normal scoring continues until, once again, only one brick remains. The winner is the one with the highest total score at the end of the game.


The best way to play Brickyard is to keep the paddle under the ball at all times. This increases your ability to react quickly and anticipate where the ball will fall.

Also, whoever knocks out the last brick must think very quickly to keep from missing the ball. This is because the bricks are re-drawn so fast that the ball hits the next brick very quickly.


To play Brickyard again, press the RESET button, and follow the instructions for starting the game.

CLOWNS (1 to 4 players)

The circus organ starts to play and a clown steps out on the high platform. He jumps! Quick, position the teeter-totter to catch him and bounce him back into the air.

Aim him at the moving rows of green, red and blue balloons. If he hits one, it explodes with a pop and you score. Break the last balloon of each color for bonus points. Then, aim at a completely new row of balloons to keep increasing your score.


Choose Clowns by pressing 2 on the keypad or by using remote game selection (pull the trigger on hand control #1, turn the knob until 2 appears on the screen, then pull the trigger again).

Enter the number of players (1-4).

Select the number of clowns which each player will use (1-99). If you enter a number that is less than 9, press the = sign to start the game.


The hand control functions for Clowns are:

Trigger Starts the game and releases the clowns into the playing area.
Knob Moves the teeter-totter right or left.
Joystick   Has no function.

The object of the game is to break balloons by catching a clown on a teeter-totter and aiming him at three rows of balloons. The clown moves slowly at first, but picks up speed until he reaches his maximum.

A clown may move right through the lines of balloons, missing all of them, or he might pop several on his way up and even more on his way down. Several things determine his success. When he first bounces off the teeter-totter, his angle depends on how close to the middle of the board he landed. As he rises, then again as he falls, hitting a balloon changes both his path and his speed. Learning to control these is the secret to a high score in Clowns.

At the top of the screen is a box containing each player's number and score. The small box in the center contains the number of clowns remaining for each player. Players take turns moving the teeter-totter and breaking as many balloons as possible. The current player's turn is indicated by the dark colored box which surrounds his number. When his turn is over, the next player's number is highlighted.


Each time a clown hits a balloon, points are scored according to the following table:

Green balloons  
1 point
Red balloons
3 points
Blue balloons
5 points

In addition, extra points are awarded to the player who breaks the last balloon on a row:

Green row  
20 bonus points
Red row
40 bonus points
Blue row
60 bonus points

The balloons are instantly reset, and normal scoring continues until, once again, the last balloon on a row is broken. The winner is the player with the highest total score at the end of the game.


As you play Clowns, learn how the path of the clown is influenced by where he lands on the teeter-totter. Landing near the middle of the board, he goes straight up and straight down. He breaks very few balloons this way.

Try catching the clown on the end of the board. He shoots up at an extreme angle and will probably pop several balloons. The difficulty with this strategy is that it requires more skill to catch the clown coming down at this angle.


To play Clowns again, press the RESET button on the front of the Bally Professional Arcade, and follow the instructions for starting the game