Astrocade, Inc. Press Releases
Ad Campaign |
Ad Campaign - Astrocade kicks off $12 million ad campaign, Baseball game promos.
Artillery Duel |
Artillery Duel - Astrocade introduces "Artillery Duel" video game at CES.
Astrocade, Inc. Backgrounder |
Astrocade, Inc. Backgrounder - Brief and general background history about Astrocade, Inc.
Astrovision Inc. Press Release (Sept. 1980).
Astrovision Acquires Bally's Consumer Products Division:
New Marketing Drive Planned for Home 'Bally Professional Arcade.'
This Astrovision Inc. press release from September 29, 1980 announces the re-release of the Bally Professional Arcade. This was sent by Astrovision to James Costello at Golden West Sales, Inc., who passed it on to Bob Fabris, the editor of the Arcadian newsletter. There are two additional pages included in this document: a letter to Bob from James and another one from Astrovision to James.
This press release, but not the two letters in this document, are available in text format:
Bowling |
Bowling - Astrocade unveils Bowling video game cartridge at CES.
Comiskey Park |
Comiskey Park - Giant video games to invade Comiskey Park Tuesday.
Conan |
Conan - Astrocade introduces Conan video game cartridge at CES.
Cosmic Raiders |
Cosmic Raiders - Cosmic Raiders announcement.
Creative Crayon: Technical Description |
Creative Crayon: Technical Description - Technical description of the Creative Crayon
Creative Crayon |
Creative Crayon - Creative Crayon announcement.
Incredible Wizard Contest |
Incredible Wizard Contest - Astrocade's "Incredible Wizard" contest running at CES.
Incredible Wizard |
Incredible Wizard - The Incredible Wizard announcement.
Music Maker |
Music Maker - Music Maker announcement.
Patent Infringement |
Patent Infringement - Astrocade sues Atari and Commodore for patent infringements.
Pirate's Chase |
Pirate's Chase - Pirate's Chase announcement.
Soccer |
Soccer - Astrocade unveils Soccer/Dribbling video game cartridge at CES.
Solar Conqueror |
Solar Conqueror - Solar Conqueror announcement.
ZGRASS-100: Technical Description |
ZGRASS-100: Technical Description - Technical description about the ZGRASS-100 Add-Under.
ZGRASS-100 |
ZGRASS-100 - Astrocade unveils ZGRASS-100 Personal Computer Add-Under at CES.
Astrocade-Related Press Releases
Image Products/Press Release Folder
Image Computer Products, Inc.
This products/press release folder contains this information: Corporate Objectives and Personnel, Product Sheet Information for Atari, T.I., and TRS-80, Dealer Price Sheet, Distributor Price Sheet, and Image Folder. Covered in some detail are: Bill Moulds, Dick Ainsworth, Al Baker, Dick Schultz, Strategy Pack II, All Star Baseball, Wall Street Challenge, Mind Master, Skill Builder I, Strategy Pack, Typing Tutor, Dungeon Campaign, Tournament Brick Bat, Wildcatting, and Action Pack I.
Paul Thacker says, "I [...] wasn't sure if these were Astrocade-related when I first picked them up, but once I read them, I saw the connection. The Vice President is Dick Ainsworth, who did various things for Bally including writing the original Bally BASIC manual and coming up with the idea for Bingo Math. The president is Bill Moulds, who spoke at the Astrovision sales meeting we have recordings of. He was helping Astrovision with marketing the system. There's some good biographical information about both of them. I think it's likely that Astrovision was contracting with Image Computer Products for their marketing."