Astrocade Public Domain Programs FAQ ------------------------------------ Plain Text Format Version 1.04 December 22, 2015 Contents: --------- Prefix i) Introduction Astrocade Public Domain Programs 1) What is Public Domain Software? 2) The Astrocade PD Software - "Arcadian" Newsletter - Bruce Jaeger - Dave Ibach - George Moses Co. - H.A.R.D. - Mike White - New Image - Richard Degler - Spectre Systems - W&W Software Sales - Wavemakers 3) Astrocade PD Software Sources Appendix A) Changes/Updates B) What needs to be added or updated C) Appreciation D) Closing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Prefix - Introduction --------------------- This "Astrocade Public Domain Programs" document is maintained by Adam Trionfo (ballyalley @ Version 1.01 - April 28, 2002 Version 1.0 - April 27, 2002 The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at one of these three places: or or 1) What is Public Domain Software? ------------------------------- Public Domain software is software that can be distributed freely without compensation to the author (programmer). It can also be modified or changed and then redistributed in its new form. Unless a program is declared public domain by its author, it is still copyrighted- even if it is no longer commercially available for sale. In most cases, the software available for emulators has NOT been released into the public domain, and this is the reason that it is not supposed to be available for download on the Internet. All of the programs in this document have been given PD release by the software author or those people that owned the rights to distribute the program (in the case of Spectre). This software can be legally uploaded and downloaded and made available, in any form, on the Internet or any other distributable media (i.e. floppy disk, paper listing, CD-ROM). 2) The Astrocade PD Software ------------------------- The Astrocade has a growing number of programs (mostly written in BASIC, but also two cartridges) that are legally free to distribute. This is the first attempt to list everything that has been donated into the public domain by Astrocade software authors. Most software in this document is not available in an archived format. In most cases the authors don't even own copies of their own software anymore, and it is up to the user's to collect it together; that is what this document is for. Not only does this document list the programs that are now legally available to all Astrocade fans, but it also documents if the program has been archived, and if so, in which format. Anything not archived is probably needed (anyone that has a copy of the original tape, listing or ROM should contact me). Also, if you own the rights to Astrocade software, and would like to donate it into the public domain, please contact me. 2a) "Arcadian" Newsletter --------------------- - Software made freely distributable in April 13, 2001 by Robert Fabris - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 98 - Excerpt from Robert: " have my permission to republish the Arcadian online, and to convert listings to WAV files - as long as the Arcadian is credited." Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- All software in the "Arcadian" N.A. Listings in the newsletters is freely distributable. online at 2b) Bruce Jaeger ------------ - Software released into the public domain on April 22, 2002 by Bruce Jaeger - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 702 - Excerpt from Bruce: "I hereby place "Cavern Quest" in the public domain." - This program was originally published in "Creative Computing" magazine Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- Cavern Quest Yes BASIC listing Original Article: Jaeger, Bruce, "Cavern Quest," Creative Computing (July 1983): 122-123. 2c) Dave Ibach ---------- - Dave gave permission to place his software into the public domain in his interview that was posted on February 27, 2006: - Excerpt from Dave: "I don't hold any copyrights for them. If they are so marked, I hereby retract them." Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- Sneaky Snake N.A. Binary Dump of Cartridge General Video Assembler N.A. Digitally Archived Tape David Ibach also wrote tutorials and programs that were published in the newsletters for the Astrocade. 2d) George Moses Co. ---------------- - Software released into the public domain July 23, 2001 by George Moses - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 567 - Excerpt from George: "You are welcome to any Bally Software I have written, which isn't very much." Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- Bach's 15 Two Part Inventions Tape 1 N.A. Arcade Christmas Songs Tape 2 N.A. Bally Arcade Ragtime Tape 3 N.A. 3 Voice Screen RAM Music Assembler! Tape 4 N.A. Sinfonia to Cantata 29 by J.S. Bach Tape 5 N.A. Analog Non-digital Clock N.A. N.A. Astro-Zap! N.A. N.A. Timecard Calculator N.A. N.A. Home Budget Keeper N.A. N.A. Screen RAM Word Processor N.A. N.A. Selected Articles and Programs: Moses, George. "Analog (non-digital) Clock," ARCADIAN, 3, no. 10 (August 1981): 105. ----. "Astro Zap 2000," ARCADIAN, 4, no. 9 (July 1982): 88 ----. "Character Display in Extended BASIC," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 9 (July 1983): 145. ----. "Executive Time Card Calculator," Cursor, 2, no. 5 (January/February 1981): 85-86. ----. "How to Add Sound Effects to Daredevil," ARCADIAN, 3, no.11 (September 1981): 111. ----. "How to Use the Blue Ram BASIC 'Play%()' Command," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 8 (June 1983): 128. ----. "Michigan Bally User's Group gets a look at Zgrass-32 'add-under' for the Arcade!," ARCADIAN, 3, no. 6 (April 1981): 64-65. ----. "Music Input Program, Plays 3-Tone Music in BASIC," ARCADIAN 2, no. 7 (May 1980): 62-63. ----. "Music Processor Command, Part II," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 10 (August 1983): 156. ----. "New 3 Voice Music Assembler Featuring no REM Statements," ARCADIAN 4, no. 1 (November 1981): 10-11. ----. "Sound Port - Sound Variable Conversion," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 4 (February 1983): 58-59. ----. "Tonic for Bitter Music," Cursor, 2, no. 2 (September 1980): 61. ----. "We Three Kings of Orient Are," Cursor, 2, no. 3 (October 1980): 69. Wiseman, Bob. "Yahtzee," Arcadian 2, no. 8 (June 1980): 74-75, 82, 88. Selected Advertisements for Music Tapes: Moses, George. "3-Part Arcade Christmas Music," ARCADIAN, 3, 1 (November 1980): 9. ----. "Make Your Arcade Sing," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 2 (December 1982): 35. ----. "3-Part Harmony Software," ARCADIAN, 6, no. 11/12 (October 1984): 121. 2e) H.A.R.D. -------- - Software released into the public domain April 25, 2002 by Craig Anderson - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 714 - Excerpt from Craig: [This PD release] "includes any software on any of the A.R.D. tapes, the H.A.R.D. tapes, and all the programs published in CURSOR, Arcadian and the Bally Express (DMA graphics, 3x5 character set, etc.)" Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- 3x5 Character Set N.A. N.A. Caterpillar N.A. N.A. Checkbook N.A. N.A. Galactic Hitchhiker N.A. N.A. Graphics Demo (side 1) N.A. N.A. Graphics Demo (side 2) N.A. N.A. Micro Pac N.A. N.A. Paper Chase, The N.A. N.A. Tic-Tac-Tollah N.A. N.A. Video Bally N.A. N.A. 2f) Mike White ---------- - Software released into the public domain April 27, 2002 by Michael White - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: - Excerpt from Mike: N.A. Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- Quadra (Extended BASIC) N.A. N.A. Quadra (Bally BASIC) N.A. N.A. 2g) New Image --------- - Software released as PostcardWare on August 2, 2001 by Don Gladden - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 569 - Excerpt from Don: "I usually call my free stuff "PostcardWare" and ask the person who gets it to send me a postcard from their home area for my collection. It's interesting to see how the stuff gets around. They can send it to Don Gladden, PO Box 701, Fullerton CA 92836-0701." "The only games I don't have exclusive rights to are Sneaky Snake (Dave Ibach) and "Frogway", the frogger clone. That belongs to Mike Skala of somewhere in Ohio in the Sandusky area." Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- Bowling Secretary N.A. N.A. Catch the Bomb N.A. N.A. Chuck-A-Luck N.A. N.A. Claustrophobia N.A. N.A. Cokes N.A. N.A. Color TV Test N.A. N.A. Dice Experiment N.A. N.A. Fisherman's Dream N.A. N.A. Guess Five N.A. N.A. Hand Control Test N.A. N.A. Haunted House N.A. N.A. High-Q N.A. N.A. Missile Defense N.A. N.A. Nam-Cap N.A. N.A. Nuclear Math N.A. N.A. Quickdraw N.A. N.A. Riddle N.A. N.A. Rnd Art I N.A. N.A. Rnd Art II N.A. N.A. Saucer Attack N.A. N.A. Sicko-Therapy-I N.A. N.A. Sicko-Therapy-II N.A. N.A. Skunk N.A. N.A. Sloshed N.A. N.A. 2h) Richard Degler -------------- - "Life" and visual interpretations of George Moses' "Beatles" music released into the public domain on October 6, 2007 by Richard Degler. - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: #4558 and #4559 - Excerpts from Richard Degler: "I have no problem with releasing this [Life cartridge] into the Public Domain as long as someone doesn't try to re-program my name with theirs and claim to be the author." "'I release my Videocade programs to display George Moses' interpretation of The Beatles' music into the Public Domain.' Rights may still belong to George Moses, and definitely still belong to The Beatles." Title ----- Can't Buy Me Love (1986) Eight Days A Week (1986) Hard Day's Night, A (1986) I Feel Fine (1986) Let It Be (1986) Life (1985) Paperback Writer (1986) She Loves You (1986) Yesterday (1986)[1'st Version - Original Version, but missing Vibrato] Yesterday (1986)[2'nd Version - Original Version with Vibrato] 2i) Spectre Systems --------------- - Software released into the public domain on May 10, 2001 by Brett Bilbrey, Mike Toth and Marion Nelepa. - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 118 - Excerpt from Brett: "Sure... Mike and Marion did not have a problem with letting the cartridges go into the public domain." Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- I.C.B.M. Attack N.A. ROM image Treasure Cove N.A. ROM image Selected Articles by Brett Bilbrey: Bilbrey, Brett. "Simon," ARCADIAN 1, no. 5 (March 1979): 35. 2j W&W Software Sales ------------------ W&W Software was a very early and prolific tape software company, with programming done by Bob Weber. They released 9 compilation tapes with five programs each, along with a couple of bonus programs. The first seven tapes (that's 35 programs) were released in 1979, with two more tapes coming in 1980. These were later re-released for AstroBASIC, but there were no new releases, though Bob Weber would occasionally publish programs in the Arcadian. (Background written by Paul Thacker) - Bob Weber gave permission to place his software into the public domain in his interview that was posted on May 18, 2003: - Excerpt from Bob: "All my programs are public domain. We really did not sell very many back then, and it was mostly for fun. We sold them to try and cover the expense of tapes and mailing." Title ----- (Mortgage) Amortization (1979) Air Traffic Controller Alien Patrol Ancient Sumeria Bally Nuclear Power Plant (1981) [Requires Blue Ram expansion] Biorhythms (1979) Block Buster (1979) Bowling (1979) Brain Buster (1979) Buddha's Boggler (1979) Calendar (1979) Checkbook Balancer & Compound Interest (Arcadian Version) (1985) Checkbook Balancer & Compound Interest (Tape Version) (1979) Checkers (1979) Clock (1980) Code Breaker (1980) Computer Art (1980) Concentration (1979) Cylon Raiders (1979) Enhanced Lunar Lander (1979) Flight Simulator (1979) Game of Life (1979) Hangman (1979) Inspector Clew-So (1980) Jukebox (1979) Keno (1980) Laser Blazer (1979) Mastermind (1979) Math Quiz (1979) Mensa Test (1979) Othello (1979) Othello (1979) [Alternate Version] Pocket Puzzle (1979) Riddle (1979) Robo Chase (1979) Russian Roulette (1979) Sampler #3 (1980) Sequence (1979) Slot Machine (1979) Solitaire (1980) Space Adventure (1980) Space Chase (1979) Space Dock (1979) Sub Search (1979) Temperature Quiz (1980) Tic Tac Toe (1979) TV Ghost (1980) Van Gam (1979) W&W Race Track (1979) W&W Race Track (1979) [Alternate Version] Words Of Wisdom (1979) Bob Weber also wrote programs that were published in the Bally Arcade / Astrocade newsletters. 2k) Wavemakers ---------- - Released into the public domain on August 7, 2001 by Mike Peace - Bally Alley Discussion Group Announcement: 568 - Excerpt from Mike: "My favorites were 'Castle of Horror' and 'Gate Escape'." Title Tape # Archived Format ----- ------ --------------- Backgammon 008 N.A. Castle of Horror 012 N.A. Character Analysis 015 N.A. Clue 002 N.A. Collision Course 014 N.A. Dungeons of Dracula 016 N.A. Flight Simulator ? N.A. - BRB Flying Ace 002 N.A. Four Famous Freebies 012 N.A. Gate Escape, The 018 N.A. - BRB Gong the Kong 013 N.A. Guitar Course 007 N.A. Horse Race 001 N.A. L.T. (The Little Terrestrial) 017 N.A. Look Out for the Bull I 010 N.A. Look Out for the Bull II 010 N.A. Max (Robot from Space) 001 N.A. Maze Race 003 N.A. Mazemaker II 005 N.A. Memory Doodle 005 N.A. Monkey Jump 013 N.A. Mouse in the Hat 006 N.A. Music Composer 005 N.A. Note Match 006/007 N.A. Obstacle Course 003 N.A. Obstacle Course Tournament 008 N.A. Outpost 19 ? N.A. - BRB Pack Rat 009 N.A. Pack Rat II 009 N.A. Perversion 004 N.A. Prog. 007 N.A. QB-2B 020 (?) N.A. Slot Machine 004 N.A. Slots of Fun ? N.A. - BRB Sound Effects ? N.A. Space Chase 003 N.A. Speed Math 006 N.A. Tomb Pirates 020 (?) N.A. Tuning 007 N.A. Wack-a-Mole 018 N.A. - BRB Whiz Quiz 011 N.A. Yahtzee 005 N.A. Selected Articles by or about Mike Peace or Wavemakers: Cornett, Fred. "Pack Rat [review]," CURSOR 3, no. 2 (May/June 1981): 23. Carson, Dave. "Gate Escape, The [review]," ARCADIAN 5, no. 12 (October 1983): 178 ----. "Collision Course [review]," ARCADIAN 6, no. 3 (January 1984): 28 ----. "Output 19 [review]," ARCADIAN 6, no. 11/12 (October 1984): 118-119 ----. "Who's Who Interview - Wavemakers," ARCADIAN 5, no. 1 (November 1982): 5 Peace, Mike. "Brick 'n the Wall," ARCADIAN, 4, no. 8 (June 1982): 77. ----. "Chicago Loop," CURSOR 1, no. 3 (March 1980): 21. ----. "Invasion Force," CURSOR, 3, no. 3 (July/August 1981): 28. ----. "Line Resequence," CURSOR, 2, no. 5 (January/February 1981): 89. ----. "Mazemaker," CURSOR 1, no. 6 (July 1980): 46. ----. "Music Keyboard for 2 Voice Music," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 4 (February 1983): 63. ----. "Music Keyboard, Correction," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 5 (March 1983): 77. ----. "New Two Voice Music," ARCADIAN, 5, no. 3 (January 1983): 53. ----. "Sound Effects!!!," CURSOR, 3, no. 3 (July/August 1981): 34. ----. "Sound Port Study," CURSOR, 3, no. 1 (April 1981): 11. Prosise, Michael. "Dungeons of Dracula [review]," ARCADIAN 5, no. 2 (December 1982): 38. ----. "Gate Escape, The [review]," ARCADIAN 5, no. 11 (September 1983): 165. Selected Wavemakers Advertisements: Wavemakers. "Castle of Horror," ARCADIAN 4, no. 5 (March 1982): 50. ----. "Castle of Horror," ARCADIAN 4, no. 12 (October 1982): 120. ----. "Lookout for the Bull!," CURSOR 3, no. 3 (July/August): 36. ----. "Lookout for the Bull!," ARCADIAN 4, no. 4 (January 1982): 41. ----. "Monkey Jump," ARCADIAN 4, no. 8 (November 1982): 84. 3) Astrocade PD Software Sources ----------------------------- This project is still just beginning; as yet only a few of these items are available in playable form. The Astrocade archive is at: or Transferring the software data from tape to a downloadable digital format is the key to this project, and it still is in its most humble beginnings. If you can help by donating time, please contact me. A) Appendix - Changes/Updates -------------------------- Version 1.04 (Dec. 22, 2015) - Added complete list of programs by W&W Software Sales. - Added Richard Degler's "Life" cartridge and visual interpretations of George Moses' "Beatles" music. Version 1.03 (Dec. 21, 2015) - Added programs by W&W Software Sales (Bob Weber) Version 1.02 (Dec. 18, 2015) - Added Dave Ibach Version 1.01 (Apr. 28, 2002) - Added Mike White to list (with his permission) - Noted tape 20 on Wavemakers's list Version 1.0 (Apr. 27, 2002) - Preliminary version, first Released to Bally Alley Discussion Group for comments and suggestions B) Appendix - What needs to be added or updated -------------------------------------------- As of April 27, 2002: -- Verify that the lists of software are complete -- Find more software authors -- Find who has the rights to the Astrocade cartridge software C) Appendix - Appreciation ----------------------- Thanks to: Astrocade - For all feedback and for making this interesting Discussion Group Bob Colbert - For working on the design of 'ASTROWAV,' the program that will allow the eventual archival of all of these public domain programs to digital format. Brett Bilbrey/ - Donating 'ICBM Attack' and 'Treasure Cove' cartridges Spectre Systems into the public domain Bruce Jaeger - Donating "Cavern Quest" into the public domain Craig Anderson - Donating H.A.R.D. software into the public domain Don Gladden - Donating New Image software into the public domain (as PostcardWare) Marion Nelepa/ - Donating 'ICBM Attack' and 'Treasure Cove' cartridges Spectre Systems into the public domain Michael White - Converting BASIC programs to run from cartridge. Mike Peace - Donating Wavemaker software into the public domain Mike Toth/ - Donating 'ICBM Attack' and 'Treasure Cove' cartridges Spectre Systems into the public domain George Moses - Donating his Astrocade software into the public domain Robert Fabris - Editor of the Arcadian newsletter - Permission to post all back issues to Bally Alley - Making "Arcadian" software freely distributable Ward Shrake - General archiving efforts on several classic systems - Countless other reasons D) Appendix - Closing ------------------ All of the information in this document is as accurate as possible. If there are any errors, omissions or anything else of note that belongs here, then please let me know so that I can expand and enhance the public domain software that is available for the Bally Astrocade.