"Connect Four" By Robert Leake CURSOR 2, no. 1 (August 1980): 51-54. About the included Programs (description by Paul Thacker): 1) Connect Four (1980)(Robert Leake)(2000 baud).zip - Found in Ken Lill's tape collection on tape hand-labeled "New Game COH". It's a Cursor program. The first few lines are machine language. 2) Connect Four Parameter Program (1980)(Robert Leake and Fred Cornett)(2000 baud).zip - Found in Ken Lill's tape collection on tape hand-labeled "New Game COH". It's a Cursor program. It helps the user enter the machine language portion of the Connect Four code. Overview: Fred Cornett, the editor of Cursor thought very highly of "Connect Four." The September 1980 issue of "Cursor" has two pages (52 and 53) that are notoriously difficult to read. These pages the "Connect Four" LISTings. The ink on the original pages used was light blue with orange bands running the length of the page. This was done as a means of copy protection; it made photocopying the newsletter much more difficult. That early form of program copy protection worked rather well, as the pages are hard-to-read even in the archived issue of Cursor on BallyAlley.com. "Connect Four" Instructions from Cursor: Editor's Note: This is the finest board game program we have ever seen written for the "Bally!" The graphics, color and sound are excellent. The computer makes each move totally cognizant of all the ramifications of his move. Hence, you are forced to play very well indeed in order to win (it beats us 8 out of 10 times). This program alone is well worth the $9.75 subscription price for "Cursor." The object of this game is to get four of your playing pieces in a row (without any of your opponent's pieces in between) vertically, horizontally or diagonally before the computer or your human opponent does. Pieces drop vertically in the selected column to the lowest unoccupied position. To select a column, move the joystick left or right and squeeze trigger when indicator is over desired column. Joystick 1 always goes first. This program loads in three separate segments; pay very close attention to the instructions, and input the information exactly as you see it. Note: Starting with this issue, whenever 2 or more spaces are located together on a program line, C=SPACE. So, whenever you see "C", key in a space (this is done to make it easier for you to tell how many spaces are necessary). Connect Four Parameter Program by Robert Leake - Adapted by Fred Cornett This program MUST be input and run PRIOR to inputting the "Connect Four Main Body Program"!!! After you have keyed this program into the computer and pressed "RUN", the screen will clear, and the following will appear: This display is telling you to refer to the chart marked "LINE 2". Take the value shown in the box DIRECTLY below the "1" (which is 2), and input the value, check to see if you have input it correctly before pressing "GO"; the computer will space a line and print: LINE #2 2= Check box 2 (which is 32), input value, hit "GO" and continue thusly. It must be stressed that you MUST check for errors before you press "GO" each time. If you make only one error, this program will not function properly!! Line 1 (Title Line) is absolutely necessary for data in subsequent lines to be accessed (do not delete)! After you have run the "Parameter Program", and input the data in lines 2 through 7, the next step is to delete lines 100 through 310. This can be accomplished in one of 2 different ways. 1. Lines 280 through 310 comprise a small program that will load lines 1 through 7 on tape. Merely follow the directions that will be printed, on your screen. Press "RECORD" on your tape machine and then press "GO" after the leader has cleared, the record head. Use :LIST and playback the tape to make sure it has recorded. (Lines 2 through 7, which prior to running the program, contained numbers in sequence, i.e., 12345678, etc., now contain garbage to include such things as "??A4#)/??&". Do not think you have done something wrong, the computer is merely trying to print info that does not conform to ASCII Code; you will see many on those lines.) If Lines 1 through 7 have loaded on tape, hit "RESET" and input tape, then key in "Connect Four Main Body Program". OR 2. The only purpose of the "Parameter Program" is to assemble data in lines 1 through 7. Lines 100 through 310 are totally unnecessary after the data has been loaded. After you have completed inputting all the data for lines 2 through 7, you must delete all lines that follow Line 7. If you do this, do not bother to input lines 280 through 310 at the beginning (they only apply to loading lines 1 through 7 on tape). After you have deleted all lines except 1 through 7, key in "CONNECT FOUR MAIN BODY Program". [The "Connect Four" program LISTings and data appear here in the newsletter. Refer to the archived issue of Cursor (available on BallyAlley.com) to see them.] After you have loaded the assembled lines 1-7 and the "Connect Four Main Body Program" into the computer, you must load String Arrays 77 through 84 with data. This is done by typing in the following one line program without a line number: FOR A=77T0 84;PRINT #1, "@(" ,A,")=",;INPUT ""@(A);NEXT A;RUN Computer will print: @(77)= Input the values from the following, checking for accuracy before pressing "GO": STRING VALUE STRING VALUE @(77) = 1200 @(78) = 100 @(79) = 8 @(80) = 1 @(81) = 12 @(82) = 150 @(83) = 8000 @(84) = 0 If you have done everything correctly, the program will run perfectly. We have triple checked the info and listings for errors, there are none. Next, we suggest you load the complete assembled program on tape; this will preclude any accidental loss of the program. STEP 1: Load an unused tape into your tape recorder; press "PLAY" and run the tape a few feet past the end of the tape leader. Stop the recorder. STEP 2: Load the following one line program into your computer without a line number- DO NOT PRESS "GO"!! NT=1;CLEAR ; :PRINT ;TV=13:LIST ;F0R A=77T0 84;PRINT #1,"@(",A,")=",@(A),";",;NEXT A; PRINT ":RETURN ;RUN NO NOT PRESS GO AT END OF PROGRAM LINE!! STEP 3: Press "RECORD" on tape recorder; Press "GO" on computer. Complete program including string arrays will load on tape. HAVE FUN