Download digitally archived Bally Arcade tape programs
that will load with AstroBASIC (the BASIC with the built-in tape-interface).
Al's Poker Bandit |
"Al's Poker Bandit"
By Al Roginsky.
BASIC Express, The, 3, no. 3 (July/August 1981): 30-31.
This program simulates the POKER "One Arm Bandits" you find in Las Vegas with the 'exact' same pay-off ratios!
Amish Dice |
"Amish Dice"
By Peggy Gladden and Bill Mead.
Tape (June 1988).
Fix, improvement, or based upon 'Ones and Fives' by Bill Mead (Cursor, Pg. 87 and 88).
Camel |
By Fred Cornett.
Cursor, Vol. 1, Pg. 12 and 13.
Translated from original version in MORE BASIC COMPUTER GAMES by David H. Ahl.
Character Set Size Multiplier |
"Character Set Size Multiplier"
By Fred Cornett.
Astro BASIC Manual, Pg. 93, Cursor, Pg. 22 (Bally BASIC Manual).
With Astro BASIC: The 2x size "PLOPS"! To correct, change the 18456 in line 40 to 22552.
By Craig Anderson.
CURSOR 2, no. 4 (November/December 1980): 76-77.
This is a simple, two-player only version of Chess. The pieces are drawn to the screen and the players each take turns moving them using special to/from notation. Read the complete documentation for "Chessette" in the "Cursor" newsletter (included in the archive) to understand the rules and play the game.
Connect Four |
"Connect Four"
By Robert Leake.
CURSOR 2, vol. 2 no. 1 (August 1980):51-54.
Play Connect Four against the computer. The docs for this game, as
printed in the Cursor newsletter, are here:
Connect Four Documentation
Darts |
By Bill Mead.
BASIC Express, 3, no. 1 (April 1981): 3-4..
This program allows up to four players to play a very simple game of dart. Each player uses a different hand controller. This game has simple graphics and sound.
They get the job done; nothing more. When I say get the job done, that's exactly what I mean.
For, who has ever heard of a SQUARE dart board?
By Mark Ream.
CURSOR 2, no. 2 (September 1980): 60.
"This delightful little program puts up some very nice designs." This is a video art program that creates many different patterns based on input from the user. Three slightly different versions of this program are archived. See the documentation for details on what is different about them.
By Richard Sonnenblick.
BASIC EXPRESS, THE 3, no. 1 (April 1981): 7.
This is a Video Art Program. The author, Richard Sonnenblick, is a junior high school student. Congratulations go to Richard for a very excellent program. I hope you adults reading this are sufficiently chagrined.
Galactibattle |
By Brett W. Lathrope and Fred Cornett.
CURSOR 1, no. 5 (June 1980): 35-36. (Original Bally BASIC Listing)
Archived from Cursor program found in Ken Lill's tape collection.
From "Cursor" newsletter, "We have seen so many of this type of program (limited graphics) but, we feel this is one of the best non-graphic space programs we have tried!
You are a Galactica Warrior piloting an outward bound fighter on a critical search and destroy mission! You are the last hope of your civilization and must
destroy all the Cylon ships located in your quadrant of the galaxy!
Hex To Decimal Converter.
By Fred Cornett.
CURSOR 1, no. 2 (February 1980): 11.
This program converts 4-digit hexadecimal numbers to their decimal equivalent
in BALLY BASIC. Remember to reverse Hex pair order prior to input [see the PEEK 'N POKE manual for details].
Message from the Lost Tribe.
By Gregg Cattanach.
BASIC Express, The 3, no. 2 (May/June 1981): 14.
"Long, long ago and once upon a time... there lived a tribe on a lost island. The tribe and the island have both disappeared, but they left a message for all mankind live by. Key in this program, found by Gregg in a floating bottle, and read the message for yourself!"
This program prints a series of random letters and punctuation. However, the program uses simple rules that makes the randomness seems almost like a language that might be spoken on this mythical "lost island."
By Albert Paul.
CURSOR, 1, no. 4 (April/May 1980): 31.
Many thanks to Albert Paul of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada for the following
program. Note: to make the ring sticker or thinner, change the value of "N"
(line 2). To make the ring larger or smaller, change the value of "M" (line
20). "M" must always be larger than "N."
The alternate version of RING has been altered with the suggestions made in
CURSOR to allow the thickness and size of the ring to be changed.
Spider Web.
By Albert Paul.
CURSOR 2, no. 2 (September 1980): 58.
This is a Video Art Program. The programs of Albert Paul constitute a classic example of "good things come in small packages!"
Standard Color Generator.
By Andy Guevara.
BASIC EXPRESS, THE 3, no. 2 (May/June 1981): 15-16.
This 68-byte machine language program accompanied :RUN Maker, where it was used as an example of how to enter a self-running machine language program. This program exceeds the maximum 2 colors on-screen at once in BASIC to display a series of eight color bars which can be used to set the colors on your TV set. The source code for this program is available in this archive in a ready-to-assemble format if you want to fiddle with machine language programming.
This program was converted from Bally BASIC using a few program archiving tools such AstroWAV and BIN2BML. Unlike the original version of this program, this conversion must be loaded with the :RUN command (not the :INPUT command). Also, this "AstroBASIC" version looks like the original, but the sound channels have noise on them. I wasn't sure how to fix this, so I just archived it as-is.
- Standard Color Generator - Documentation and program listing for :RUN Maker and Standard Color Generator (a demonstration program printed along with :RUN Maker to show how to use the machine language entry program).
Tycoon - A Business Simulation..
By Alex Morales.
BASIC EXPRESS, THE 3, no. 3 (July/August 1981): 32-33.
In this simulation, you manage a small factory that produces three different
kinds of products (P1 - P3). Three different kinds of raw materials (R1 - R3)
are required to produce the products. Each product requires exactly two raw
materials with a different subscript. For example, to manufacture one unit of
P2, you would need a unit of R1 and a unit of R3. To manufacture one unit of
P3, you would need a unit each of R1 and R2.
You can manage this factory monthly for up to 36 months in 12 month increments.
After your time has expired, the materials and/or products that you have on
hand will be automatically sold at the current prices and your profit will be
Yahtzee |
By Bruce Devries.
BASIC Express, Vol. 3, Pg. 7 and 8.
1-4 Players.