BallyAlley_r1_c1.gif BallyAlley_r1_c2.gif BallyAlley_r1_c4.gif
BallyAlley_r2_c1.gif BallyAlley_r2_c2.gif Arcadian Programs: A - H BallyAlley_r2_c4.gif

     These archived Bally Arcade/Astrocade programs are for use with Bally BASIC (the BASIC that requires an external tape-interface to load and save programs).

3D Corners
3D Corners.
By Dieter Heinerman.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 4 (Feb. 07, 1981): 49.

3D Corners is a video art program.

3-Tone Music Input Program "3-Tone Music Input Program"
By Brett Bilbrey, George Moses, and Bob Weber.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 7 (May 19, 1980): 62-63.

     This program is a milestone for creating music with true, more accurate expression on the Bally Arcade console using Bally BASIC then was ever possible before this program was printed.

     The BASIC program is accompanied by an in-depth tutorial by George Moses called "Music Input Program Plays 3-Tone Music in Basic." This utility program, "3-Tone Music Input Program," is only the first of several such programs that allowed BASIC users to input 3-voice music on their Bally Arcade consoles. Later, modified and upgraded versions of this program were written for use with AstroBASIC, but this program will only run in Bally BASIC.

     George Moses' tutorial, "Music Input Program Plays 3-Tone Music in Basic" is an important piece of Bally history. It has been re-scanned in grayscale and is available in a high-quality two-page format that is separate from the newsletter, here:

  1. "Music Input Program Plays 3-Tone Music in Basic" - George Moses (pdf)
     The following is the text from the tutorial of how the "3-Tone Music Input Program" is used. Read the actual tutorial (above) for all the important visual information of the tutorial that is missing here. This text version is meant to give readers an idea of how the program works, but isn't completely usable without the additional information provided in the illustrations from the tutorial as printed in the "Arcadian" newsletter.

  1. "Music Input Program Plays 3-Tone Music in Basic" - George Moses (Text-Only)
2000 AD "2000 AD"
By Ed Larkin.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 5 (Mar. 24, 1980): 38,42-43.

     "2000 AD" by Ed Larkin is a shoot-em-up between an alien invader ship on a group station. Use the knob to aim, the trigger to fire, and the joystick to move about. After five points use TR(1) to restart.

     The 3D background screen graphics used in the game are from a demonstration program by Timothy Hays included in Sebree's Computing's ""XY Tutorial" by Timothy Hays. It's subtitled, "A Tutorial on the Bally BASIC XY Command for exceptionally well controlled graphics." There is an ad (with screenshot of background of "2000 AD") for the "XY Tutorial" in ARCADIAN 2, no. 3 (Jan. 15, 1980): 26. The tutorial can be downloaded here:

     "XY Tutorial"

4D2 "4D2"
By Rusty Blommaert and Dale Smith.
Arcadian 4 no. 1 (November 10, 1981): Pages 4,8.

     (Non-digitally Archived Version)

     Graphic art with machine language for 4 color panels. This program uses "CALL 1532" in lines 130 and 2480 which won't work in all machines.

Airbrush and Sandblast "Airbrush and Sandblast"
By Curtis Schreier
ARCADIAN 2 no. 10 (September 17, 1980): 95.

     This short program was printed in the "Arcadian" newsletter without any details.
  1. Airbrush and Sandblast - Title and Comments
By Aquila and Richard Houser.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 8 (Jul. 20, 1979): 58, 60-61.

Amazed in Space is a rocketship-thru-the-maze challenge with a number of levels of difficulty.

Another Division Routine (4 Decimal Places) "Another Division Routine (4 Decimal Places)"
By Pete Bowman.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 5 (Mar. 23, 1979): 34.

     Summary from Arcadian: "Another Division Routine that prints a decimal answer has been developed by Pete Bowman, This one is a bit laborious as you have to enter a @( ) for each decimal wanted."

Arcade Dice "Arcade Dice"
By Klaus F. Grismayer.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 1 (Nov. 29, 1979): 6-7.

     Comments and Instructions from the Arcadian:

     Arcade Dice is played with the hand controls. First menu selection allows up to four players to play in rotation, just enter the number of players, then press GO. Number of rolls is selected by knob on hand control, pulling the trigger will begin the rolling. After the combination is displayed, control shifts to the next hand control. After everyone has their turn, the winner is immediately selected.

     The second menu selection allows player to place bet with knob and trigger, then number of rolls is selected as above. Score is automatically indicated.

     To return to menu, press Zero (0) on keypad. This can only be done during selection stages of rolls or bet, which reset automatically.

Arcadian At 2x Size "Arcadian At 2x Size"
By Glenn Pogue.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 45.

     Summary from Arcadian: "A further step along the way was taken by Glenn Pogue, who modified the "Game Over" routine of [ARCADIAN 1, no. 4 (Feb. 19, 1979): 25], making it print the word ARCADIAN in 2x normal letter size. I have not been able to totally duplicate this feat, I think it lies in the small differences in ROM locations that have previously been noted."

Arcadian Shorty "Arcadian Shorty"
By Tom Johnson.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 8 (Jun. 23, 1980): 73.

     The Arcadian has no comments about this program other than saying. "A Shorty by Tom Johnson."

     Examination of the program shows that this "shorty" PRINTs "ARCADIAN" on the screen multiple times in slightly different locations. It changes the placement of "ARCADIAN" using IF, GOTO and STOP statements to change CX and CY. This program probably looks pretty neat-- as the location of the new placement is just barely different than the last one. On other computers this simple, five-line program may have changed the color of "ARCADIAN" with each successive PRINT, but on the normally B&W BASIC screen this would have been a tad more difficult (but certainly not impossible).

Artillery Duel "Artillery Duel"
By John Perkins.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 7 (May 19, 1980): 58-59.
"Best of Arcadian - 1980" [Tape]
Bally BASIC, 300-Baud.

The machine sets up a random ground and adds two gun emplacements. As each player's turn is taken, he adjusts the knob for barrel elevation, moves the joystick to add or reduce the number of powder bags (by whole bags, sideways; by tenths, back and forth). Then when ready, pull the trigger. There is gravity and a random wind. Anyway, the gun recoils and there goes the shell. There is an explosion when it lands. A gun is destroyed when less than half a gun remains (the repair crew can replace a gun barrel).

"Artillery Duel" is such an outstanding game that Astrocade, Inc. reprinted it in the "AstroBASIC" manual (this is the manual that comes with the BASIC cartridge that includes the build-in interface). Both editions of the AstroBASIC manual's re-printing had errors which were corrected in the "Arcadian newsletter."

Attack "Attack"
By Carl Morimoto.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 10,13,16. (Original Program Listing) ARCADIAN 2, no. 8 (Jun. 23, 1980): 67. (Mod) ARCADIAN 2, no. 10 (Sep. 17, 1980): 88. (Mod Rebuttal)

     Comments and Directions from Arcadian:

     Attack is a game of chase. The object is to maneuver yourself into a position where all five attackers destroy themselves by smashing into walls in the process of chasing you.

     Number of walls must be entered at the start of the game.

     Joystick #1 and trigger #1 are the only controls used. The joystick changes your position to the corresponding direction. The trigger is used to start the game and also to hold your current position.

Comments from "Mod Rebuttal:"

     "Carl Morimoto, author of ATTACK, indicates that the modification I presented on p. 67 will cause the piece to move in two-square increments, which is not the intent. Pieces must stay within the wall constraints."

Bagels Bagels.
By Carl Morimoto.
Arcadian 2, no. 3 (Jan. 15, 1980): 24-25.
Arcadian Sampler Programs (Reprint)

Bagels is a game in which a player, using logical deduction, predicts a given number. In this version, the number is a random 3 digits with no duplicating digits. After each guess the program displays one of six responses that gives the player a hint on the correct order of the numbers. The Arcadian printed complete instructions for this game. They have been OCRed and included in this archive.

Paul Thacker's February 21, 2022 archive notes for this game say, "Bagels (mod) (198x)(Carl Morimoto and Doug Shaeffer)(300 baud) - From The Arcadian, but not previously archived in 300 baud format. Has a few minor changes compared to the version printed in from The Arcadian."

The original program submission letter and a commented version of Bagels is available here:
  1. Bagels - Bagels submission letter and commented BASIC listing.
Bally 500
Bally 500.
By Bob Hensel.
Arcadian 3, no. 5 (March 7, 1981): 56-57.

From the Arcadian:

"Bally 500 is a game of driving skill for 2 or 3 players. One player controls the turns in the road with KN(4). The other players control the cars with KN(1) and KN(2). Road blocks, accidents, and other cars are randomly placed in your path. If you hit one, then your car is destroyed. The object is to see how long you can stay on the road, and beat your opponent. An elapsed time is indicated at the top-left of the screen. Skill Level: 3 (hard) - 10(easy)"

Note: The instructions say that the game can be played with 2 or 3 players, but for practical reasons three players are required. This is because there are always two cars racing, even if one isn't controlled by a player. When a car crashes by driving off the road, then the game ends for everyone. So, while technically the game can be played with as little as two people-- the game will last for only a few seconds before the other car crashes.

Bangman Bangman
By Ernie Sams.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 7 (Jun 15, 1979): 47-49.
Bally BASIC, 300-Baud.

"Bangman" is a take-off on the classic Hangman word spelling game. It has two novel features - letters being entered are hidden from view of the opposing player - and the penalty for losing is not a hanging...

One person keys in a word to ten letters; another tries to guess it with no more than nine wrong guesses using the knob and trigger.

Base Conversion "Base Conversion"
By Ron McCoy.
ARCADIAN 2 no. 10 (September 17, 1980): 88-89.
May 30, 1979 (Stated in the BASIC listing)

From the "Arcadian:

     Description from the "Arcadian:"

     "Base Conversion" by Ron McCoy puts it all together. Now you can have one program that will convert from any of the numerical systems into the other four, rather than have to use individual programs. If you start with decimal, the program takes the whole number in one piece and converts it. If you start with any of the other four, you have to enter each digit; as with Hex- to enter 23AC, enter 2 GO 3 GO A GO C GO and that's it.

Battleship "Battleship"
By Bill Mead
ARCADIAN 4, no. 9 (Jul. 06, 1982): 92-93.
ARCADIAN 6, no. 11 (Oct. 31, 1984): 127. [Reprint]
Archived from tape in Bob Fabris collection.

     Two-Player BASIC version of the classic board game. Instructions for play are located in the ARCADIAN newsletter.

Bible Quiz "Bible Quiz"
By Bob Hensel.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 6 (Apr. 25, 1980): 47-49.

     From the "Arcadian:"

     "Bible Quiz" is a two player game.

     A question about the Bible is printed on the screen with four multiple choice answers. If a player knows the answer he pulls his trigger. An arrow moves alongside the answers. When the arrow points to the proper answer the player again pulls his trigger. If he is correct a portion of a man will appear in his score box, else a portion will be taken away and the correct answer indicated. The screen then goes blank. The tape recorder should then be turned on to read the next question into the computer. Then the images again appear on the screen, turn off the recorder.

     "Bible Quiz" is a teaching device that requires some pre-activity in loading question/answer segments. First punch in the program to line 5020, and store it on tape. Do not rewind, but let about 10 seconds of blank space be recorded. Then follow the instructions on page 49 and load a question/answer segment into the Bally. Lead that onto tape, and again leave about 10 seconds of space. Continue with segments as desired. When finished, the tape can be rewound and loaded into the Bally. When the game starts, shut off the recorder and answer the question. Once that is done, start the recorder again and it will automatically replace the question/answer with a new one. If you seem to get illogical questions/answers, it means that the separation between them on the tape is not great enough, or you are moving too slowly.

     The program can be easily changed to be used for any educational type testing game by changing the title and making appropriate questions.

Big Letters "Big Letters"
By Glenn Pogue and Dennis Sprague.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 9 (Aug. 18, 1979): 69.

     Summary from Arcadian: "Big letters continue to interest subscribers. Dennis Sprague modified the pg. 45 program [ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 45.] to write double size letters on command - the poke-ing is done automatically. [...] RUN the program. Then just key in whatever letter, number, character that you wish to see, punch GO, and there it is, twice as big as life."

Bingo "Bingo"
By Ernie Sams.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 4 (Feb. 25, 1980): 33-34.

     From the "Arcadian: "Player card (Human) is green. Drawn numbers appear on the screen, use KNob(1) to indicate Yes or No, full TRigger to register. Computer also checks its card."

Biorhythms "Biorhythms"
By MR Angliss.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 10, 15-16. (original printing)
ARCADIAN 2, no. 3 (Jan. 15, 1980): 26. (program correction)
ARCADIAN 2, no. 4 (Feb. 25, 1980): 27. (program correction; explanation)
Source: Ken Lill Collection.
AstroBASIC, 300-Baud.

"Biorhythm" has the following preface: After inputting the requested dates, the machine will do a few internal operations and finally three numbers will appear on the screen. The older you are, the longer it takes. These numbers are factors for the desired year. You will be asked for a specific month and day - input as before. After a brief time, a graph will be displayed. The vertical line corresponds to the day requested, to index the three cycles. After a long count, the computer will tell you how many days you have lived.
  1. Biorythms Correction - This is a suggested correction by Richard Grimmer for "Biorhythms" by MR Angliss. One correction of "Biorhythms" was published in February of 1980, but this correction (dated April 14, 1980) was never published in the "Arcadian."
Bio-rhythms "Bio-rhythms"
By Dave Walter and Rich Tietjens.
ARCADIAN 2 no. 5 (March 24, 1980): 38,44-45.

     From the "Arcadian, "'Bio-rhythms' by Dave Walter is a version that stores the data for the three graphs outside the program in string locations, and then directs their printing in the proper place on the screen. The sine wave is therefore quite accurately portrayed.

     On January 30, 2013, Paul Thacker posted a message to the Bally Alley discussion group noting that the program printed in The Arcadian is slightly different from the one on tape in the Bob Fabris collection. Mostly it's from the instructions included in the tape version. That version version should be considered a prototype.

  1. Bio-rhythms - Instructions and Comments
     This archive contains several different variations of "Bio-rhythms," including the original "String Loader" that was required to type-in the program the first time (but isn't actually required to use the program).

Black Box Black Box
By B. Reany.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 9 (Aug. 18, 1979): 74.

"Black Box" is a sort of Battleship game where the computer hides some "atoms" in a grid and you have to locate them. Use the diagram for clues.

A similar game, Astro Black Box, by Steve Walters, was published in 1981. See the original Bally BASIC version of the game for more details about the generalities of Black Box.
  1. Bally Black Box - Original version of the game, which includes links to additional information on how to play this program.
Bots "Bots"
By Ron McCoy
ARCADIAN 2 no. 10 (September 18, 1980): 90,91.

     Instructions from the "Arcadian" newsletter:

     "Bots" program by Ron McCoy is a challenge. Modified from a program in the June 1979 Personal Computing, it sets up a 9x19 grid on the screen. Fifteen "walls" are randomly placed in the squares, and the 15 "bots"(*) are also randomly placed. Then your position is similarly located.

     Hand controller 1 is used to move the target (you) in any of the eight available directions, or stand still, and the trigger makes it happen. (The knob is used to turn a little indicator to the desired direction.) After you make your move, all the bots start to advance upon you, one square at a time, each. If they hit a wall, they disappear. The object is to wipe them out, but it is a difficult job. You have to maneuver yourself so that the bots keep hitting walls. I kept saying, "next time I'll get them," to no avail.

     Four years after "Bots" was first published, there was an updated version of "Bots" published in ARCADIAN 6, no. 7 (May 25, 1984): 61,62. Written by Steve Walters, it was simply called "Bots II." The update gave the player the ability to shoot the robots if they were close enough.
  1. Bots - Instructions
Bowl-A-Rama "Bowl-A-Rama"
By Bob Hensel.
ARCADIAN, 2, no. 6 (April 25, 1980): 51-52.
ARCADIAN, 2, no. 7 (May 19, 1980): 65. (Program Fix)

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter:

     "Bowl-A-Rama is a two-player game. The computer displays the pins and keeps score. The ball is invisible at the bottom of the screen moving between the gutters. When the player UP pulls his trigger the ball appears and starts rolling down the alley. The player controls the curve on the ball by moving his joystick left or right. The frame number is shown in the center box at the bottom of the screen."

By Dieter Heinerman.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 4 (Feb. 07, 1981): 49.

Boxes is a video art program. On the program submission tape, this program was called RND Boxes.

Catchem "Catchem"
By Scott Taylor
ARCADIAN 4, no. 9 (Jul. 06, 1982): 87,89.
Archived from tape in Bob Fabris collection.

     Instructions from the Arcadian: Player (1) uses his joystick to maneuver his blip through the pattern, avoiding Player (2)'s blip. If Player (2) is successful in overlaying his blip on the other one, he gets a point. Three points win. Patterns are drawn randomly.

Circle "Circle"
By Dave Clark.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 4 (Feb. 25, 1980): 27.

     From the Arcadian: "Dave sent a program to draw a circle. Change the divisors in line 40 to get oval-shaped figures."

Clock "Clock"
By J. Cousins.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 5 (Mar. 23, 1979): 36.

     The Arcadian has no comments on this program. "Clock" is a 31-line Bally BASIC digital clock program that accepts hours, minutes and seconds. There is some error checking to make sure that the input data is accurate. It seems that FOR loops are used for the timing of the clock, so this program may not be that accurate.

Color Chart "Color Chart"
By Jim Winn.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 3 (Jan. 09, 1981): 35. (Original BASIC Listing)
ARCADIAN 6, no. 6 (Apr. 20, 1984): 59. (Reprint)

     Instructions from the "Arcadian" newsletter (Original Printing):

     Once you have this utility program on your tapes, you will be able to make a good assessment as to the colors to be used in a particular program you are developing. It starts out by asking for a general color area, and then it will step through the hues (using the Joystick). When you find one you like, moving the joystick to the left will cause the screen to split, and you can make your second choice on the left side. In this way you can easily see how the colors will look. And as you do this, the color numbers appear to identify them.

     Instructions from the "Arcadian" newsletter (Reprint):

     This program is a utility to help you select colors for a program. A menu first appears asking for a choice of 7 major colors. Once this has been picked, you can make a fine adjustment by the joystick, forward or back. Once you see one you like, move the joystick to the left, and you can make a selection for the second color. Pull the trigger to see how the colors interact, Start again by pushing the joystick right. Code numbers for each color also appear for future use.

Compound Interest "Compound Interest"
By Jess Shadle.
ARCADIAN 3 no. 3 (July 9, 1981): 98-99.

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter, "Onboard Calculator, ($), has not been utilized fully. The ARCADIAN tutorial on its basic operation was published in Vol. 1, p.32. At that time, each digit of each number had to be individually entered, an arduous task. Then, in Vol. 2, p.2, Gerry Halquist presented a loan payment program with greatly simplified input, but still having restrictions (such as interest had to be entered in 5 digit format). Now Jess Shadle has made up a number of programs where the input format can be almost anything and the program will accept and utilize it. One program is included this issue, "Compound Interest."

  1. Compound Interest - Instructions and Comments
Computer Twixt (Mod) "Computer Twixt" (Mod)
By Joe Pipek, modified by Klaus Doerge.
ARCADIAN, 3, no. 6 (April 15, 1981): 67-68.

     This is a modified version of Joe Pipek's original program. This modification was NOT published in the Arcadian.

     "Computer Twixt is based on the 3M game. The player with the square has to generate a line from one side of the playing square to the other, while the player with the cross has to work vertically. The computer will draw a line for you if your new piece is at a certain location from an existing piece. The two-over-and-one-across requirement is illustrated (the 2:1 can be in any direction, or 1:2). [See illustration in Arcadian newsletter.]"

     "The computer will tell you if your wall extends across the playing square. Use TR(1) to start a new game." - Arcadian

Connect Four "Connect Four"
By L.L. Camnitz.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 4 (Feb. 25, 1980): 35.

     The "Arcadian" has no comments or instructions for this version of "Connect Four." Perhaps they presumed that most people understood how to play this popular game. This is just one of a number of "Connect Four" games by various programmers.

Connect Four "Connect Four"
By Bob Wiseman.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 10 (Sep. 17, 1980): 94-95.
"Best of Arcadian - 1980" (Tape)

     The "Arcadian" has no comments or instructions for this version of "Connect Four." Perhaps they presumed that most people understood how to play this popular game. This is just one of a number of "Connect Four" games by various programmers.

     This program is also included on the tape "The Best of 1980." The instructions for that tape call the game "Connect Four II," but give the same author and source in the Arcadian. I'm not sure what differences may exist between these two versions of the game (if any). Here are the instructions for "Connect Four II:"

     1 or 2 Players. A grid is placed on the screen. Use your joystick to move the marker over the column that you wish to enter. Press the Trigger and the piece will go down the column as far as it can. Getting four of your pieces in a row before the computer does so will win the game. Move the joystick back and forth to register the Win.

Convert Hex To Decimal "Convert Hex To Decimal"
By Ernie Sams.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 5 (Mar. 23, 1979): 36.

     The Arcadian has no comments on this program, but the title is self-explanatory: this program concerts a hex number to decimal using Bally BASIC.

Count The Dots "Count The Dots"
By Les and M. Porter.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 10 (Sep. 17, 1980): 92-93.

     From the "Arcadian:"

     COUNT THE DOTS program puts up a random number of dots on the screen (max 17) for a short period of time, and as soon as you've counted them, you pull the trigger to stop the clock, and enter the amount in the keypad. The computer will keep track of the score. "DIFFICULTY" sets the timing. Changing the X and Y value, you change the size of the playing field. On the surface, this seems to be just a simple game, but if we look a little deeper, we can see an application in the field of ophthalmology - checking field of view of one's eye, blind spot size, etc., and other ideas having to do with perception can be developed.

Critter "Critter"
By Brett Bilbrey.
ARCADIAN 3 no. 2 (December 5, 1980): 13. (No explanation)
CURSOR 2 no. 3 (October 1980): 66-67. (With explanation)

     Included are the complete "Critter" instructions from "Cursor" newsletter. These are followed by additional information.

     Instructions from "Cursor:"

     This program will place a space invader type "CRITTER" on the screen that will bounce from top to bottom and side to side without disturbing anything that is already on-screen. This "CRITTER" will run independent of anything else you wish to do. If you press "HALT", he won't! His speed is controlled by Hand Control Knob #1.

     After you have "RUN" this program, do not scroll to bottom line! Use "CY=40" to keep any text away from the area in the bottom of the screen that is "twinkling" (also, do not use "CLEAR").

     Once the Basic program has been "RUN", it can be erased and replaced with whatever you want. Use ":RETURN" to stop the routine, and "CALL 19584" to start it up again. One problem is when BASIC tries to print on top of the "Critter", small screen glitches appear. You can create an invisible screen by altering the value of Port 15(&(15) Interrupt Line Port), it is set to 99 which is minimum size of invisible screen. The Interrupt Line Port determines the number of lines scanned before the next interrupt (for a complete explanation of all the interrupt ports etc., refer to CURSOR "PEEK n' POKE" manual).

     To give you an example of a use for this type of routine, input the following line after you have "RUN" the program: key-in ":RETURN" and hit "GO" before you key in the line:

          1 CALL 19584;&(15)=99;INPUT A;:RETURN ; STOP

     As you know, when the computer hits an "INPUT" command, it will just sit there, waiting for you to give it a value, it will not allow anything else to happen until you key in a value. With this one line program, it will start the "Critter" bouncing around the screen as soon as it hits the input line and will stop the "Critter" as soon as you input a value.

     So what you ask? Well, instead of having a "Critter", we could have a clock decrementing from one minute. If you don't get your answer into the computer before the clock hits zero, you lose your turn and control switches to the next player. This would provide for truly sophisticated software. So, don't lose heart, we are on the opening stages of an exciting software era.

     Brett notes that he received a great deal of help from Tom Wood, Dave Ibach, and John Perkins, without whose help he doubts he could have written this program.

     "Critter" is based upon a machine language program for the Blue Ram that required extra RAM installed at $6000. That unnamed machine language program is part of a tutorial that is by John Perkins called "Fast Action Graphics." It appeared in ARCADIAN 2, no. 10 (Sep. 17, 1980): 101-102. The assembly source code for that program was derived from the hexadecimal listing and explanation of the program. It is available here:

     "Fast Action Graphics" (Disassembly)

     The 300-Baud Blue Ram program, called "Fast Action Graphics (Vector Animator)," can be downloaded here:

     "Fast Action Graphics" (300-Baud Program)

     "Critter" is a machine language program that uses the Bally's Vector motion routines. This version of the program is for use with Bally BASIC only; it is not compatible with AstroBASIC.

     An article was written by Adam Trionfo on how this machine language program was converted from Bally BASIC to AstroBASIC. The article is called "Critter 2000! How 'Critter' by Brett Bilbrey was modified to run in AstroBASIC." It is available here:
     Critter 2000!

Crypt-o-Grams "Crypt-o-Grams"
By Ken Springsteen.
ARCADIAN 4 no. 4 (January 22, 1982): 36,42.

     The instructions in the "Arcadian" refer to "<Crypt-o-Grams>" as "Cryptologic."

This is a two-player game that can also be played by teams, rotating turns at guessing. The entry will be erased, and then scrambled, using a random scrambling technique. The "other side" must rearrange the letters/spaces into the proper relationship using a minimum number of moves.
  1. Crypt-o-Grams - Instructions
D&D Speedway "D&D Speedway"
By Mario DeLaura.
ARCADIAN 4, no. 3 (December 24, 1981): 30-31.

     The instructions for "D&D Speedway" were not included in the "Arcadian."

     Comments by Adam Trionfo, "Since there is no description of the game, I can only piece together what the player is doing. Here's what I've come up with without even having seen the game played."

     "You're on a perilous mission to save the land from darkness. Using your four-wheeled Super Wagon powered by your wizard's magic, you travel along the Path of Light to make your party's way to the Castle of Oblivion. At every curve in the road there are trolls and orcs blocking your passage. Archers take shots at you from behind trees in the gloomy forest on either side. Pick up friendly elves for bonus points and energy. Once you reach your goal can YOU stop the evil set to descend upon your land?"
  1. D&D Speedway - Instructions and Comments
Daredevil "Daredevil"
By Dave Martin
ARCADIAN 3 no. 10 (August 12, 1981): 106,107.

     Here are the VERY brief instructions from the "Arcadian" newsletter: "You see a windshield and instruments. The car on the screen is located laterally according to your instructions. The available instructions will appear at the bottom in order, use TR(1) to choose."
  1. Daredevil - Instructions and Comments
Data Storage Subroutine "Data Storage Subroutine"
By Bob Weber.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 41.

     Summary from Arcadian: "This subroutine would be called up in order to save the program, the registers, and the strings by using a GOTO 9000."

Day-Of-The-Week And Calendar Program "Day-Of-The-Week And Calendar Program"
By Kirk Gregg.
ARCADIAN 3 no. 2 (December 5, 1980): 22-23.

     The "Arcadian" included no instructions for this program at all.

Decimal Division "Decimal Division"
By Laurence Gallant.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 1 (Nov. 29, 1979): 3.

     From the Arcadian: "This is a BASIC version that will give you up to 32,676 decimal places (the variable Z)."

By Dieter Heinerman.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 5 (March 7, 1981): 58.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 8 (June 8, 1981): 88. (Bug Fixes)

"DEFUSE is a three-dimensional guessing game where you have to locate a point in the center using "hot-cold" type clues."

This game was originally published in More BASIC Computer Games, by Creative Computing, Edited by David H. Ahl. 1979: 48.

The instructions from More BASIC Computer Games are:

"In this game, you are in an experimental building with one million rooms in it. The building is one hundred rooms long, one hundred rooms wide, and one hundred rooms high.

"You have just received a telephone call from a mad bomber who tells you he has planted a bomb someplace in the building. Fortunately you are armed with a bomb detector that registers a stronger and stronger signal as you get closer to the bomb. You start at the bottom right-hand door of the building, at the room 0,0,0. In response to the signals from your detector, every ten seconds you may try a new room to search for the bomb. You have two hundred seconds or twenty trials to find it.

"It's fairly easy to find the bomb once you get the knack of how your detector works. However, we're not going to spoil it for you and tell the secret."
  1. Defuse - pdf of Defuse from More BASIC Computer Games
By Dieter Heinerman.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 4 (Feb. 07, 1981): 49.

Denominator is based on an article called Extended Precision Computation by Stephen Rogowski that explains "how to compute to a practically unlimited number of places with just the memory your micro has on board." The original article appeared in Creative Computing 6, no. 3 (March 1980): 94-95.
  1. Extended Precision Computation by Stephen Rogowski - pdf of original article
Diminishing Boxes "Diminishing Boxes"
By Matt Giwer.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 8 (Jun. 23, 1980): 73.

     The Arcadian has no comments or instruction for this program.

On June 26, 2013, Paul Thacker writes: "This is a typical art program for the Bally Arcade. It draws closely spaced boxes that are pretty large at first, then move in to a small box at the center of the screen. Then it starts again drawing slightly displaced boxes over top of the old ones. If a pixel is drawn over, it gets erased, so you end up with a lot of different patterns. While I'm sure you get the BASIC idea, with programs like this, a video would definitely be worth a thousand words."

Distance Between Two Points "Distance Between Two Points"
By David Stocker.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 8 (Jul. 20, 1979): 67.

     The Arcadian has no comments about this program, though from the title it can be surmised that this is an eighteen-line Bally BASIC program that calculates the distance between two points.

Division "Division"
By Marc Gladstein.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 10 (Sep. 31, 1979): 80.

     Summary from Arcadian: "Division with results in non-decimal format was run by Marc Gladstein for those who would like to see the quotient printed with the remainder continued as a fraction."

Division With Decimals "Division With Decimals"
By Paul Law.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 4 (Feb. 19, 1979): 24.

     Summary from Arcadian: "Division With Decimals is just in from Paul Law who says he modified a BYTE 2/79 program. N indicates the length of the decimal portion."

Dot Generator "Dot Generator"
By Jay Fowler.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 7 (May 19, 1980): 65.

     The "Arcadian" doesn't have any comments or directions for this program. The program has a comment that says, "FOR TV CONVERGENCE."

     I found this information on eHow ( about TV convergence:

     "'Convergence' in terms of television describes when the three projectors in a TV that produce color fall out of sync with each other. You'll know a TV with bad convergence when you see it--colors aren't meshing and are represented as thick lines, and everything seems blurry."

I presume that this Bally BASIC program is meant to be run while a TV is open and a tech is fixing the set.

Electronic Blanked
Electronic Blanked.
By Dieter Heinerman.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 4 (Feb. 07, 1981): 49.

Electronic Blanked is a video art program.

Electronic Visualization Center "Electronic Visualization Center"
By Dan Sanden and Phil Morton.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 3 (Jan. 15, 1980): 20.

     From the "Arcadian:"

     Enlarged letters have cropped up again. This time they are done graphically, as opposed to previous POKE'd versions. In the program, I used BIG LETTERS for the items to be printed where Phil used ARCADIAN HOT SHOT. Lines 129-240 clean up the screen and add the buckshot. Phil has an AXIOM EX-850 video printer which can 'photograph' the screen and provide a reproducible image.

Examples From Arcadian, Volume I "Examples From Arcadian, Volume I"
By Various Authors.
Various Issues of Arcadian, Volume I.

     These are short example programs printed in The Arcadian as part of various tutorial articles covering the use of Bally BASIC. Refer back to The Arcadian for the full context of these programs.

Frequencies "Frequencies"
By Robert Hood.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 10 (Sep. 31, 1979): 70.

     Summary from Arcadian:: "Converts frequencies to register values and vice versa."

Frog "Frog"
By Bob Wiseman.
ARCADIAN 4 no. 7 (May 7, 1982): 68.

     (Non-digitally Archived Version)

     Simple game using machine language to scroll flies above the Frog. The Frog sits in the lower left corner, waiting for flies to come by. Use the Knob to control the length of the tongue, and the TRigger to zap the fly. Watch out, misses count against you.

     This program is for use with Bally BASIC only; it is not compatible with AstroBASIC.
Fudd "Fudd"
By Bob Wiseman
ARCADIAN 4 no. 5 (March 5, 1982.): 47,51.
ARCADIAN 4 no. 6 (April, 9 1982.): 55.

     (Non-digitally Archived Version)

     One player uses the hand controller to manipulate cross-hairs over the moving target, a batch of bunnies. The Knob controls speed and trigger does the deed. But rabbits multiply... This game uses machine language to scroll the rabbits.

     This program is for use with Bally BASIC only; it is not compatible with AstroBASIC.
Game Over (31xx Version) "Game Over (31xx Version)"
By Tom Wood.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 4 (Feb. 19, 1979): 25.

     Summary from Arcadian:"This routine will print "GAME OVER" depending on which version of the Bally Arcade that the user has."

     "The program executes a special routine to pull out the "pre-printed" [GAME OVER] statement. If your machine does not print the whole phrase, substitute 3159 in line 50. [Both versions of the program are included in the digital archive.] This is indicative of at least two variations in Bally software in the field. That is, the location of certain object codes in the 8K ROM of the Video Console are not identical in all machines."

     It is because of the locations of the "GAME OVER" in the On-Board ROM which later made people dub the systems either the "3159 ROM" or the "3164 ROM."

Giant Letters "Giant Letters"
By Glenn Pogue and Bob Fabris.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 7 (Jun 15, 1979): 47.

     Summary from Arcadian: "Giant program on pg. 45 [ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 45.] can be 'clarified' by replacing line 105 with the statement X=0; GOSUB C . The zero will stop the machine's printing after it finishes the AN of ARCADIAN. What is happening is - the machine has been set into a printing mode and it keeps on going until it hits an internal halt. The X=0 sets such a halt thru the POKE function, where you want it."

Gobblers (Mod) "Gobblers" (Mod)
By Bob Wiseman, modified by Klaus Doerge
ARCADIAN, 3, no. 12 (Oct. 5, 1981): 125. (Original Version)
ARCADIAN, 5, no. 4 (Feb. 18, 1983): 56,70. (Klaus Doerge revision)

     This is a modified version of Bob Wiseman's original program. This modification WAS published in the Arcadian.

     "This 2-player game requires you to eat a bunch of squares, where each square has one to four points in it, resulting in a score of 1 to 4 for each one eaten. They are positioned in a 5 x 10 grid, and you utilize the JX and JY directions of your controller to move your man. Of course, your opponent is doing the same. The computer is keeping score. It is listed in Bally BASIC, but plays in AstroBASIC as well, just a bit faster." - Arcadian

Golf Golf
By Bob Hensel.
Arcadian 3, no. 4 (Feb. 07, 1981): 46-47. (Original Listing)
Arcadian 3, no. 5 (Mar. 07, 1981): 51. (Correction)

Golf is a game of skill for 1 to 4 players. The computer generates 9 different holes each game, randomly placing each green and hazards such as tress, water, or sand traps. Each player selects the direction the ball will travel by moving JX(1) until the rotating line points in the proper direction. The distance is dependent on the club selected using JY(1). Remember the flight of the ball is affected by the direction and velocity of the wind.

From Bob Hensel's Golf program submission letter:

If you land on a hazard or go out of bounds, the ball will stop and you will be penalized 1 stroke. When the ball lands on or near the green, an enlarged picture of the green will be shown for putting. When all players have finished a hole, all scores will be printed as well as par for the course. The object of the game is to beat your opponent or shoot under par.

When prompted for N, enter Number of Players (1-4)

Graphics Assembler "Graphics Assembler"
By Hugh Fitler.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 10 (Sep. 17, 1980): 96.

     From the "Arcadian:"

     Graphics Assembler is a programming aid for those of you who want to construct shapes using the box command. Instead of using paper and pencil to figure out where you want the various boxes, this program allows you to set up a box size, move it around the screen to where you want it, and freeze it there. The coordinates of the location are now in memory, using the following instructions:

     Use trigger to start system after pressing RUN/GO
     Enter X and Y coordinates of box size
     Enter type of box (1-4 per BOX command)
     Move joystick to desired location
     Press trigger to freeze box location.

     It will list the command to tape at any line number you select. It will also save a number of these commands and place them all on tape with a uniform line spacing. This will take place if you command "RECORD PROGRAM". This program was developed by Hugh Fitler.

Guessing Game "Guessing Game"
By Bret Babel and Vince Garzoli.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 9 (Aug. 18, 1979): 72.

     Summary from Arcadian: "Tutorial-Subroutines: If you have a process that you want to have repeated a number of times, it is convenient and memory-saving to use the technique called SUBROUTINE, which requires the commands GOSUB and RETURN. I recently received a short program from Bret Dabel and Vince Garzoli that has this situation, and I thought that it might be of interest to all to show how a program can be modified this way. The program as it arrived is [...]"

Hamurabi "Hamurabi"
By Richard Houser.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 4 (Feb. 25, 1980): 32-33.
Best of Arcadian - 1980 (Tape)

Game Instructions: 1 Player.

Push any key after the castle appears. You are the King, and you must make decisions on running the kingdom economically. You start with 100 people, 1000 acres of land, and 3000 bushels of food. Buy and sell land, using food as barter material, saving some food to feed the populace. Gain performance points based on how well you govern. If you last ten years, you have done well. Of course, we have thrown in a few random disasters to keep it from being too easy...

Archiving Notes:

Hamurabi (as printed) (1980)(Richard Houser)(300 baud)(PD).zip - As it was printed in The Arcadian, the program runs out of memory.

Hamurabi (smaller size) (1980)(Richard Houser)(300 baud)(PD).zip - Arcadian program found in Ken Lill's tape collection. Includes space-saving modifications needed to free up memory.

Halloween Ghost Halloween Ghost
By James Wilkinson.
Arcadian 2, no. 10 (Sep. 17, 1980): 103-104.

From the "Arcadian:"

Halloween Ghost is a self-running program that is topical. The author sets up a TV at a window near his front door, and the program, a "talking" skull, makes snide remarks about the people going by. It re-cycles, and uses random statements on the screen, shifting colors as well.

When the program is run it says: "HORRIBLE HARRY THE INSULTING TV GHOST MYSTERIOUSLY APPEARS HERE EVERY HALLOWEEN" The nine insults that "Harry" will throw at those passing by are:
Archive Notes: This program is also known as 'Horrible Harry.' Alternate version 2 has sound that works correctly with AstroBASIC. I'm not sure if there is any difference between the versions.

A modified version of this program, called "New Ghost," by Ron Picardi is also included with the archive. Ron's mod is an unpublished submission to the ARCADIAN newsletter. Ron comments on his modified version of HALLOWEEN GHOST: "Here is a revision to Horrible Harry. He pops in and out of the TV. Then he insults you with his ghostly laughter." This versions BASIC listing is VERY different from the original version of the program.

Hangman "Hangman"
By Carl Morimoto.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 14.

     The "Arcadian" has no comments or instructions for this program.

     Hangman was a popular title for the Bally/Astrocade. This is one of seven hangman games created by seven different programmers. Some versions of the game came with a short list of built-in words, but this program doesn't have any built-in words any at all. The program asks for a word at the beginning of the game, which makes it a two-player game only. Or, if you wanted, you could play a very lonely game all by yourself.

Hello, Dolly! "Hello, Dolly!"
By Scott Walpole.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 17.

     "Hello, Dolly!" is the title track from the "Hello, Dolly!" musical which came out in 1964.

Lyrics with Bally Music:
3  50003  1  3    5  60003  1  3    5  7
Hello  Dolly well Hello  Dolly It's so nice

x1 7    x1  7    x1    x2  x150000-4     5
to have you back where you belong You're look-

-5  6000  4  2  4  6   -70004  2  4      6
inq swell Dolly we can tell Dolly You're still

x3  x2  x3     x2    x3  x2  7      5     60
glowin' you're still crowin' you're still go-

7   5      3  4    -4  5000 3   1   3   5
in' strong We feel the room swayin' for the

6000   3   1   3   5  x2   xl  x2  xl   x2
band's playin' one of your old fav'rite songs

x1   x2  x1   6000 70 x10  6   50   3  5
from way back when so take her wrap fellas

xl   xl  xl   6  50  3  5   x3    x3   x3x3
Find her an emty lap fellas Dolly I'll never

x3 x2x4x3x100
go away again!
Horse Race "Horse Race"
By Howard Brecheisen.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 1 (November 6, 1980): 6,7.

     Each player uses his hand controller to choose one of four horses he wants to bet upon and the size of his bet.
  1. Horse Race - Instructions
Horserace Horserace.
By Paul Slezak.
Arcadian 3, no. 2 (Dec. 05, 1980): 26-27. (Original Listing)
Arcadian Sampler Programs (1980): 6. (Reprint)

No instructions or comments were included in the original printing of Horserace, but when the program was reprinted in Arcadian Sampler Programs in 1980, very brief instructions were added:

"Eight horses are available to bet upon, using the keypad to enter your horse (B) and the value you bet (C). The computer then randomly moves the horses across the screen and calculates the winnings."

Paul Slezak gives a few details on his game in his original program submission letter, "It took me about 50 hours to create. I was debating on whether to have it published or put up for sale, but since it is my first attempt (not at programming- I'm a programmer/analyst) and the Arcadian has given me so much, I thought I owe it at least one program."

BallyAlley_r4_c1.gif BallyAlley_r4_c2.gif BallyAlley_r4_c4.gif