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     These archived Bally Arcade/Astrocade programs are for use with Bally BASIC (the BASIC that requires an external tape-interface to load and save programs).

Invisible War by James Winn Invisible War.
By James Winn.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 11 (Sep. 11, 1981): 112-113.

This program was printed in the ARCADIAN newsletter without any instructions. However, James did include some brief instructions in his program submission letter to Bob Fabris:

Here are two programs for the ARCADIAN. Number one is INVISIBLE WAR, number two is STARFIGHTER. These are both space-type games. There have been a lot of these in the past, they are still very popular.

INVISIBLE WAR is a program to be played by a single person. You control the spaceship on the left, the computer the one on the right. You are visible only when you move up or down the screen or fire a laser blast. The object of the game is to hit the computer's ship more than he hits you. In order to locate the computer ship, you can either fire several blasts of your laser, try to get him to fire at you, or move your ship to draw his fire. When he fires at you, shoot back as quickly as possible before he changes his location. One nice thing about this program is the appearance of more colors being on the screen then we can actually put there. You can choose from three levels of difficulty and you set the number of your laser blasts.
  1. Program Submission Letter to Arcadian
Keno II 2.0 "Keno II 2.0"
By Mark Keller.
ARCADIAN 3 no. 11 (September 11, 1981): 116-117.

     Instructions and hints from the game and "Arcadian" newsletter:

     Program displays keno card and cash remaining. You pick 1 to 15 numbers using hand controller. Number of picks is tallied next to go. If you pick 1 to 14 numbers, pick go to start. The computer picks and displays 20 numbers and calculates payoff. To see payoff table push the Divide key.

     One other hint with Keno, if you decide to choose less than the maximum 14 numbers, run the cursor down to the GO character with the hand controller and press the trigger while there.

Laser Evader (Mod) "Laser Evader" (Mod)
By Dave Martin, modified by Klaus Doerge.
ARCADIAN, 4, no. 8 (June 11, 1982): 81.

     This is a modified version of Dave Martin's original program. This modification was NOT published in the Arcadian.

     "Laser Evader is a cute little game of chance. The object is to move through a field of lasers without being hit. The five laser units fire at random, making it difficult to predict when to pass one. If you make it safely to the top, up to 100 points are added to your score, depending upon how quickly you made the trip. You continue traveling through the laser field, accumulating points until you are "zapped" three times, and the game is over. Use joystick to move, TRigger to restart at end of game. Remember that gravity will tend to pull you back." - Arcadian

Logo "Logo"
By Guy McLimore.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 1 (Nov. 29, 1979): 3.

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter, "LOGO shown at the head of page one is based on an idea by Guy McLimore, and embellished by myself. If you'd like to see it in action (literally) and in living color, the program is included."

     This logo became the standard "Arcadian" logo for most future issues of the newsletter. It is so integrated into the idea of the newsletter that this program may as well be called "Arcadian Logo." However, the idea is that it can be a logo for anything. Simply replace the text in line 110 from:

          110 PRINT "ARCADIAN

     to something else. For instance:

          110 print "BALLY ALLEY

     Then change line 100 so that CX and CY reflects the placement on the screen of the text that you want displayed.

Manual Assembler "Manual Assembler"
By R. Braddam.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 10.

     Robert Fabris writes in the "Arcadian:"

     "Manual Assembler" is an interesting program which I do not understand. It POKEs in characters and then prints them out. Start pumping in the following sequence of numbers when the program starts asking "16385= " - 255 53 0 24 76 8 64 these will call subroutine 52 and load up the initial conditions, then when 16392 shows up, the program is asking for the characters to be printed. If you insert the following, you will see our old familiar ARCADIAN - 65 82 67 65 68 73 65 78 0 0 0. This is something for the more advanced subscriber to play with...

Mastermind "Mastermind"
By Bob Wiseman.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 2 (Dec. 05, 1980): 19.

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter:

In this version of "Mastermind," the computer holds a four-color code that you must guess. Enter the first letter of each color guessed via the keypad. Each BLACK response means a correct color in the correct spot, a WHITE response means a correct color in the wrong spot.

Mastermind "Mastermind"
By Carol Burkemper.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 6 (Apr. 25, 1980): 53.

     The "Arcadian" has no comments or instructions about this program.

     The board game, "Mastermind" may very well have been the most popular program for the Bally Arcade/Astrocade. There are at least ten different versions of this game by various programmers for this console. This versions seems to be the only one created by a female programmer-- so the game is at least unique in that respect.

Match "Match"
By Edge Software.
Edge Software's Tape #1.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 12 (Oct. 05, 1981): 122.

     Match (1981)(Edge Software)(300 baud)(PD)[From The Arcadian] - archived from hand-labeled tape in Bob Fabris collection. This was originally sold on Edge Software's first tape, along with "Bowl", but was later printed in ARCADIAN 3, no. 12 (Oct. 05, 1981): 122.

     Match (1981)(Edge Software)(300 baud)[Tape #1] - archived from commercial tape in Richard Houser's collection. This is very close to the version printed in The Arcadian, but does have some minor formatting differences.

     Instructions from the Arcadian:

The object of this board game, for either one or two players, is to select the pairs of cards (A to T) which have matching numbers (0 to 9). As letter guesses are entered on the key-pad the cards are "turned over" to reveal the numbers. If a match is made the two cards are removed from the board and the player tries two more cards. If a match is not made the cards are turned down again.

     If there are two players, they take turns guessing two cards at a time. At the end of the game the number of pairs matched for each player is shown. If there is just one player the number of tries needed to complete all 10 matches is shown at the end. The challenge is to have as few tries as possible-- 10 would be a perfect score.

     Both the color and a number of the right of the screen indicate which player should enter a letter (blue 1s #1, red 1s #2). A short instruction at the beginning explains what to do.

Memory Contents-Binary "Memory Contents-Binary"
By Max Manowski and Brett Bilbrey.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 43.

     This program takes a decical number as memory location for input, then prints out the input number, followed by the contents of the memory location in Bally BASIC decical format, then the program prints out the contents of the memory location in binary format (also in BallyBASIC format). Since Bally BASIC PEEKs at locations two bytes at a time, the binary output will be 16 bits. Finally, the output will be in hex pair, reverse order (i.e. $FF00 = $00FF).

Memory Contents-Hex "Memory Contents-Hex"
By Gary Moser.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 44.

     From the Arcadian: "Memory Dump program by Gary Moser prints its answers in hexadecimal language. See what you get for the answer to location 0006. If it is 61, then your machine is like mine and if it is 66, it is like Tom Wood's. Is something else, then we have more variants on the street."

Memory Display "Memory Display"
By Chuck Thomka.
ARCADIAN, 1, no. 8 (July 1979): 67.

     Machine Language Utiltiy for BASIC. This program displays input memory locations in both Hexadecimal format (with hex pairs in reverse order) and Bally BASIC decimal format.

     This is a nice memory dump program that displays the decimal and hexadecimal location numbers (address) and data. It will do whole blocks of dumps by giving a starting and ending address. It will increment the address by the entered amount if you only want to check every 1000'th location, for example. Use negative numbers to check the upper memory: -32767D = $8001 to -1D = $FFFF.

Menu (Input 3174) "Menu (Input 3174)"
By Martin Nason.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 5 (Mar. 23, 1979): 31.

     Menu can be called up by the following, donated by Martin Nason:
     10 INPUT K
     20 CALL K    insert 3174
     The menu will appear, and function fully (don't use the BASIC overlay card) but why does it NOT work if you just CALL 3174?

On June 21, 2013, Richard Degler posted to the Bally Alley discussion group:

Subject: Re: Added 7 Bally BASIC Programs from Arcadian, Vol I
Sent: Fri 6/21/13 5:13 AM

Don't know if anyone ever answered the question posed following :
4) "Menu (Input 3174)" - Martin Nason
ARCADIAN 1, no. 5 (Mar. 23, 1979): 31.
but the problem wasn't between using a variable or just a number,
rather inside a program or not - as "10 CALL3174" works properly.

When the direct call is made to the proper point it WILL work...
Skip the branch to an AutoStart cartridge by using "> CALL3177".


Microtrek "Microtrek"
By Bill Andrus.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 11 (Oct. 31, 1979): 88-89.
Arcadian 2, no. 1 (Nov. 29, 1979): 4. (Corrections and Suggestions).

Instructions from the November 1979 Arcadian:

Microtrek is a very small but interesting version of the Star-Trek game. This version was originally shared by the North Carolina TRS-80 User Group. In playing, watch your energy level and remaining time.

Command Summary:
  1. Move to Sector (row,column)- On an 8 x 8 quadrant of sectors, you can move to any legal, unoccupied sector. If you are adjacent to a Starbase, you are docked, restoring your energy and in a safe haven from which to fire. If either sector command is zero, the command is cancelled.
  2. Move to a New Quadrant-extends search for Klingons and Starbases.
  3. Fire on Sector (row, column) - Watch energy. Again, if either value entered is zero, the command is cancelled.
  4. Sensor Report(of current quadrant): * are stars; B is StarBase; K is Klingon; and E is Enterprise
  5. Status Reports - These are optional, upon-request displays
An extended version is available from Bill at $1.50 your tape, 3.50 on his.

Archiving Notes: I'm not sure if this version has corrections and suggestions added. Microtrek was included on page 10 of the 16-page "Welcome to the Fascinating World of Arcade Programming!" compilation that was provided by the Arcadian.
  1. Welcome to the Fascinating World of Arcade Programming!
The program probably differs slightly from its original appearance because it was converted to work with "AstroBASIC."

Monthly Loan Payment "Monthly Loan Payment"
By G. Hallquist.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 3 (Jan. 15, 1980): 22.
Original version archived found in Ken Lill's tape collection.
Mod version archived from tape in the Bob Fabris Collection.

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter:

     "Monthly Loan Payment" will calculate the monthly payment and the total payment when you input the loan amount, the interest rate, and the months the loan will run. Enter these values by the digit, including leading zeros (that is, $20,000, is entered as 020000, and 9% is entered as 09000).

     This could be a good start for an amortization program each montly payment is split into its principal and interest portions.

Monster Chase
Monster Chase.
By Alex Morales.
BASIC Express, The 3, no. 3 (July/August 1981): 34.

Here is a short fun game that everyone can enjoy playing.

The object is to 'stay alive' (keep away from the Monster) for 10 moves. At level one this is pretty easy, level two is a little harder, and at level three it is almost impossible!

You are "Y" and can only move up, down, right, or left. The Monster "M" can also move diagonally.

Name Combined With Nicomachus "Name Combined With Nicomachus"
By Hank Chiuppi.
ARCADIAN 2 no. 8 (June 23, 1980): 72.

     This program is based on two games: "Name" and "Nicomachus." These were both published in Creative Computing's 1978's "BASIC Computer Games" by David Ahl. Each of these two programs were "combined" to come up with this "new" game. This Bally Arcade/Astrocade version doesn't have any documentation in the "Arcadian" newsletter, so the original documentation for the two games has been included in the archive.
  1. Name Combined With Nicomachus - Instructions and Comments
Night Raid "Night Raid"
By Paul Slezak.
ARCADIAN 4, no. 7 (May 7, 1982): 70,71.

     A squadron of 5 bombers has been sent to destroy us at night. We have 3 bases as defense. Only 1 bomber strikes at a time, but it has the ability to locate the base. Use KNob to move base, hold TRigger down to launch anti-aircraft missile.
  1. Night Raid - Instructions
Nim (Mod) "Nim" (Mod)
By Robert Hilferding, modified by Klaus Doerge.
ARCADIAN, 3, no. 8 (June 8, 1981): 86-87.

     This is a modified version of Robert Hilferding's original program. This modification was NOT published in the Arcadian.

     "Nim is a one or two player game where the object is to force your opponent into taking the last piece. Starting with fifteen boxes, the players alternate in removing one, two or three boxes. (KN determines the number, TR removes the boxes.) In the one player mode, the computer determines how many boxes it will remove."

     "The program permits options in who starts, and the degree of difficulty option in the one-player mode. Beginning options are entered through the keypad while play options are executed through the hand controllers. " - Arcadian

Number Match "Number Match"
By Scott Walpole.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 17.

     Instructions from the "Arcadian:"

     The object of this game is to match the numbers one at a time as quickly as possible for the highest score. You have approx. 2 seconds to repeat the number displayed within the box using the keypad. If you press the wrong number, try for the same number again before your 2 seconds are up. If you still haven't got the right number and the 2 seconds have run out, 5 points will be deducted from your score and the computer will select a new number. Continue repeating the number until the program stops.

O-Jello "O-Jello"
By Clyde Perkins.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 5 (March 24, 1980): 38,41.
"Best of Arcadian, 1980" Tape.

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter: "O-Jello" by Clyde Perkins is a version of Othello. The object is to capture and retain as many spaces as possible using the rules of Othello. Your play is to capture as many of the opponent's pieces as possible - this converts them to your pieces (of course it works the other way, too). You do this by placing a piece (with the hand controller) joystick) in a spot adjacent to the opponent's, where his is now sandwiched between two you yours - press the trigger.
  1. O-Jello - Instructions
Old Glory "Old Glory"
By Edge Software (Ed D. Groebe).
ARCADIAN 4, no. 8 (June 11, 1982): 77.
ARCADIAN 6, no. 8 (June 30, 1984): 69. (AB)

     "This program uses one of the many Bally ROM subroutines to draw a color picture of the American flag."
  1. Old Glory - Instructions and Comments
The Pits Pits, The
By Rex Goulding
ARCADIAN 3, no. 10 (Aug. 12, 1981): 108.

This game is extremely simple, and doesn't take long to play (just a minute or two)... but that's great, because the game is quite addicting. You'll find yourself have "just one more go" over and over again.

The object of the game is to move the small dot in the upper-left corner past the pits to the end of the medium-size box in the lower-right corner. The clunker is that the pits move up the screen all the time and can catch you. Each time the screen rolls up, it counts as one move. A successful trip in 16 moves is doing well.

Poke "Poke"
By Dick Martin.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 1 (Nov. 29, 1979): 8.

     From the "Arcadian" newsletter, "POKE program that does funny things was sent in by Dick Martin. It keeps changing its own line numbers, and other stuff..."

Poke %(2007x) "Poke %(2007x)"
By Dave Clark.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 4 (Feb. 25, 1980): 27.

     From the "Arcadian:"

     POKE has been extensively researched by Dave Clark in the area %(20050)=n to %(20076)=n. Two useful POKE's are %(20070) and %(20076) which replace standard keyboard characters with new geometric shapes - these could be used as game pieces. Try:

          10 FOR A = 0 TO 255
          20 %(20070) = 160; PRINT #1,A,
          30 %(20070) = A; PRINT #1,1,
          40 NEXT A

     You will see a run of weird characters, then our familiar ones, then more unusual ones. The POKE at (20076) is similar. Try:

          10 FOR A = 0 TO 255
          20 %(20076) = 8; PRINT #1,A,
          30 %(20076) = A; PRINT #1,1,
          40 NEXT A

Poke-ing Program "Poke-ing Program"
By George Breadon.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 9 (Aug. 18, 1979): 75.

     Poke-ing Program allows you to load machine instructions into the @ string, which means that you can call several machine language subroutines from inside the BASIC. Developed by George Breadon, the program follows along with some data to be inserted that will call up our old buddy, "ARCADIAN" [ARCADIAN 1, no. 6 (May. 4, 1979): 45.]

Polo "Polo"
By Bob Hensel.
Arcadian, Vol. 4, Pg. 86 and 87 Arcadian, Vol. 6, Pg. 52 and 53 [Reprinted]

     Instructions from the Arcadian:

     Polo is a two player game where the object is to score the most goals before time runs out. The computer will roll the dice and indicate the player who is up by making his horse blink off and on. The player then determines the best direction to move (up , down, diagonal) the number of squares on the dice, and uses JX & JY to make his move. If he lands in the opponents goal he scores 5 pts. If he lands on one of his own 'Lucky horse shoes' he scores 1 pt. and gets another turn, else play passes to his opponent. Each player has 15 sec. to make his move, or lose his turn. A defensive player can move his goalie up or down using JY. When time runs out, another period can be played by setting JY(1)=1. A new game is started with JY(1)=-1.

Pop Art (Circles)
Pop Art (Circles).
By Ron Picardi.
ARCADIAN 3, no. 7 (May 08, 1981): 77.

The ARCADIAN contained no instructions for this video art program. Ron's program submission letter said only this about the program, "A self-running art program that features some unusual graphic patterns."

Popeye The Sailor "Popeye The Sailor"
By Scott Walpole.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 2 (Dec. 22, 1979): 17.

     This program plays "Popeye the Sailor." The lyrics, as printed in the "Arcadian" are:
     3   5  5   5   40  3  50   5    50
     I'm Popeye the sailor man (toot toot)

     5 6    4  6 80 6    50   5    50
     I live in a garbage can (toot toot)

     5 6    4  6  8   7    6    5   6  5   3 1
     I like to go swimmin' with bow-legged wimin
     3   5  5   5   60  7  80    8    8
     I'm Popeye the sailor man! (toot toot)
     These lyrics are the sort of lyrics that a kid might sing-- and I actually DO remember singing them this way in elementary school. However, the actual lyrics to the song are more like this:

          I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
          I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
          I'm strong to the finich
          Cause I eats me spinach.
          I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

          I'm one tough Gazookus
          Which hates all Palookas
          Wot ain't on the up and square.
          I biffs 'em and buffs 'em
          And always out roughs 'em
          But none of 'em gets nowhere.

          If anyone dares to risk my "Fisk",
          It's "Boff" an' it's "Wham" un'erstan'?
          So keep "Good Be-hav-or"
          That's your one life saver
          With Popeye the Sailor Man.

          I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
          I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
          I'm strong to the finich
          Cause I eats me spinach.
          I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

Pro Bowl "Pro Bowl"
By Mario DeLaura.
ARCADIAN 4 no. 4 (January 22, 1982): 38,39.

     "Pro Bowl" is a football game. Use the chart to enter your plays - the Offense uses Joystick (1) for its inputs, while the Defense uses the keypad. The arrow on the screen indicates ball direction. The game includes fumbles, touchdowns, field goals, safeties, and a two minute warning. Breakaways are possible on running plays, and incompletes and interceptions possible on passing plays.
  1. Pro Bowl - Instructions
Pool "Pool"
By Bob Hensel.
ARCADIAN, 3, no. 9 (July 9, 1981): 94-95.

     Instructions from the "Arcadian" newsletter: "Pool is a computer version of the Billiards game 8-Ball. The computer will rack the balls and break. The direction of the Cue ball is controlled by JX(1) & JY(1). The length of the shot is controlled by the C stick at the right of the screen. After selecting the desired angle & length, pull the trigger TR(1) to make the shot. The direction of any other balls hit by the Cue ball is controlled by KN(1). If KN(1) is at its center the other balls will continue in the same direction as the Cue ball. Turning KN(1) all the way clockwise or counterclockwise will deflect the balls 45 degrees from the path of the Cue ball." Note: I'm not sure what the directions mean by "C stick," but it is probably a printing error in the "Arcadian."

     Klaus Doerge's unpublished, modified version of "Slot machine" has been included.

Puzzle "Puzzle"
By Bob Wiseman.
ARCADIAN 2, no. 7 (May 19, 1980): 64.

     The "Arcadian" has no instructions or comments about this program.

     There are a few comments in the BASIC listing that say this: "Plays like "15 Puzzle." Using joystick to move letter."

     After some observation it can be said that this game is like the game Fifteen, but with the alphabet instead. After the program starts, it takes about forty- five seconds to mix-up the puzzle and then begin.

PX Function "PX Function"
By Steve Walters.
ARCADIAN 1, no. 10 (Sep. 31, 1979): 81.

     From the Arcadian "The possibility of the PX function as a location sensor seems reasonable if you only have to monitor whether a player (meaning a visible marker such as a BOX) is at a given location or not.

     "I have enclosed a simple program which uses the PX(X,Y) function as a location sensor in the manner of a trap being sprung. Ten traps (explosive mines, invisible enemy ships, etc.) are set randomly, and if the player moves over any of the trap locations, he is trapped (caught, exploded, etc.)."

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