"Bombardier/Meteroids" L&M Software 1981 -------------------- "Bombardier" Imagine yourself flying over a mountainous area in a bomber. This area is the base for numerous Russian missile silos. In your hand, you control the release pin of a very powerful bomb, all you have to do to release is to squeeze trigger #1. Wait! Don't fire yet!! Check the wind direction and speed. Now, when you are over one of the Russian missile silos and have allowed for wind direction and speed, fire away. You will be allowed to make ten passes over the area, firing one time on each pass. On each pass you may find the wind direction, speed or both have changed. See if you can eliminate all of the Russian missile silos. Remember to wear your "Flak Jacket" because the Russians will be firing back. Two levels are available for those of you who become good with level #1. With level #2 the wind speed will pick up and those nasty Russians do a lot more firing. Each new game finds you flying over a different group of mountains, with the missile silos in different locations. All Pre Game Entries Via Knob & Trig. #1 -------------------- "Meteroids" "Meteoroid" was inspired by a well-known game. We have put Bally's excellent graphic commands to use and went one better. Instead of only one location to shoot from you have a second one. This, coupled with the special sound effects and colors makes this a fast action game, one you won't want to stop playing. After loading the game the computer will ask for the no. of bases, 1-5. This is the total no. of times a meteoroid can hit either of your space outposts before the game is over. Enter this via the keypad. You will then see two large space outposts. Each space outpost can fire in any of eight joy stick directions. To activate the outpost on the right just release trigger, to activate the one on the left hold the trigger down. When a meteoroid appears on the screen (depending on which side it appears) you will have to decide which outpost to activate, then fire your lasers by pushing joy stick #1 in that direction, trying to hit the meteoroid with as few shots as possible. Should one of the flying saucers appear a projectile will be fired instead of a laser beam. To hit the flying saucer you must lead it depending on the speed at which it is traveling. Scoring: The possible high score is over 30,000 pts. Each meteoroid is worth 100 points minus five points for each missed shot. If you should hit any meteoroid on the first shot fifty points is added as an extra bonus, making that meteoroid worth 150 points. Each time a meteoroid makes it off the screen without being hit 21 points is deducted from your score. A direct hit on a flying saucer is worth between 100 pts. and 400 pts., this will be flashed on the screen. Each time a meteoroid hits one of your space outposts a violent explosion takes place and one base is deducted. One base will be added to the number of bases you have left for each 1000 pts. your score increases. For replay, press any key! All Pre Game Entries Via Knob & Trig. #1