Cosmic Saucer Battle By L&M Software Tape 2, 1982. Flying saucer invaders are bent on conquering the Earth. Star Fleet Command has given you and your co-pilot the task of halting their advances. Can you stop the saucers and their missiles in time? You choose the number of "Enemy Missiles 1-9x5?". Press one of the number keys (1-9) and the computer will multiply this number by five. This determines game length. A total range of 5 to 45 missiles can be chosen. The computer will then print "Diff. Level 1-3?", (level of difficulty). Next the number of players 1-2? If you enter a one here all of the photon cannon firing, left or right, is done from the number one hand control. If two players, use #1 for left side and #2 for right side. Bach side has 25 photon cannons, to select which one you want to fire from simply turn your knob when the missile or saucer is on your half of the screen. The tip of the cannon that is active will blink. To fire at a missile simply push the joy stick in the direction you wish to fire. As long as the missile is the same color as your photon generator you may fire at it. When it crosses center of the screen and changes color your weapon will cease to operate and the control will go to your opponent (when two are playing). When a saucer appears and zig-zags up or down the screen all weapons will go into automatic fire mode, each player must then turn their knob to select the proper cannon to fire from. The score is displayed vertically behind each photon generator. Score is deducted from the total value of each missile for each shot missed. Should you hit a missile on the first shot a bonus of 50 pts. is added to it's value. A saucer is worth double the value of a missile. The foreground color will change to the color of the side which scored a hit. The point value will be displayed and added to that player's score. Point values increase with the more difficult levels. Pull trigger #1 for replay. All pre-game entries via knob & trig. #1